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4 Jan 2024
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online I mean... it's not that that's what I want to do, that's just the hardware I have 03:27:16
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer The elusive Mac Gamer™️ 03:27:40
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Dual-booting into linux is also not amazing on Silicon yet, so I don't really think that's viable currently either 03:27:45
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Tell me about it hahaha 03:27:57
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Today my jig I ordered on Amazon that let me put [REDACTED] on my [REDACTED] finally came, and I kinda realized that the device I wish my [REDACTED] was is a steam deck 03:28:59
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online But the GH repo is effectively... I don't want to say abandoned, but "no longer the source of truth" shall we say? 03:29:58
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online * But anyway, the GH repo is effectively... I don't want to say abandoned, but "no longer the source of truth" shall we say? 03:30:14
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer Yeah, pretty much. I should get around to properly archiving it at some point... 03:31:18
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer 2.0 is very complicated to develop without being able to directly upload assets, being an art overhaul and all, and it has a lot of surprises we want to keep from the community until release so as not to spoil the experience, so it's being worked on by the team privately. 03:32:18
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Understandable 03:32:32
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer ProfessorG64 is the tool that patches 1.5.5 to 1.6, and that's where public development/issues should generally be opened for the public iteration of the updates. It's basically a single UndertaleModtool script that applies a few scripts and patches in new data where we need to overwrite things for compatibility, bugfixes, and bugfixes unrelated to the porting process. 03:34:04
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online There's a really interesting project called dejavu, that I don't know how many other people know about that aims to be a Legacy GM runner... emulator? Simulator? idk what to call it, written in Rust 03:34:19
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer Ah, for GM8 and earlier. There's an older project with a similar goal as well, though I can't remember the name right now. 03:35:04
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online If i'm not mistaken Dejavu is based on that one? 03:35:18
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online I want to say the dev mentioned GMS 1.x compat as a theoretical future nice-to-have, but it's obviously unrealistic to expect much from that until and unless it actually happens 03:36:07
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer Yeah, 8 to Studio was a pretty huge leap 03:36:28
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Not ENIGMA, or LateralGM, right? 03:36:28
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer ENIGMA, that's what it was! 03:36:35
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online :D 03:36:42
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online I remember the ENIGMA effort being weeeeeiiiird in a cool way 03:37:33
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer * # Okay, so why no GMS2?
Lots of reasons, but they fall into four general categories:
1) Fundamental incompatibilities between GM:S 1.4 and GMS2
2) AM2R's reliance on specific quirks and behaviors of GM:S 1.4
3) Modding
4) The New Runtime

I'll address what I can remember off the top of my head in each category, which will be posted as individual messages underneath this one because I'm a bit long-winded.

If you're reading this from the 📌 please jump to message and scroll down for full details on each category.
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer * # Okay, so why no GMS2?
Lots of reasons, but they fall into four general categories:
1) Fundamental incompatibilities between GM:S 1.4 and GMS2
2) AM2R's reliance on specific quirks and behaviors of GM:S 1.4
3) Modding
4) The New Runtime

I'll address what I can remember off the top of my head in each category, which will be posted as individual messages underneath this one because I'm a bit long-winded.

If you're reading this from the 📌 please jump to message and scroll down for full details on each category.
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer I didn't ever follow it very closely, just remember the name being floated a few times in GM circles. 03:38:11
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online I want to say I installed and messed around with it for like, five minutes on my laptop in a public library, went "huh" and then forgot about it for a decade 03:38:12
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online yeahp, same, p much 03:38:25
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online Pre-studio GM was a wild time 03:38:45
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online back when the pro version only cost $30 03:38:55
@_discord_196870793727180800:t2bot.io347online halcyon days lmao 03:38:58
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer well before when I stumbled into it, but I've heard one or two stories lol 03:43:36
@_discord_284162744469553152:t2bot.ioChief Idiocy Officer * well before I stumbled into it, but I've heard one or two stories lol 03:43:46

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