
Accrescent Announcements

339 Members
Announcements for the Accrescent app store. https://accrescent.app. Join #accrescent-space:matrix.org for the space, #accrescent:matrix.org for the main room, and #accrescent-offtopic:matrix.org for off-topic discussions.48 Servers

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3 Jul 2024
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.netporco0447 changed their profile picture.19:24:13
5 Jul 2024
@niko4u:infosec.exchangeNiko4u joined the room.18:31:32
8 Jul 2024
@remakemaverick:matrix.orgremakemaverick joined the room.00:50:56
10 Jul 2024
@carbon3261:matrix.org@carbon3261:matrix.org joined the room.01:03:56
@s178s:matrix.orgCyber Genius joined the room.09:02:39
11 Jul 2024
@pawning-cornmeal:matrix.orgpawning-cornmeal joined the room.14:44:27
12 Jul 2024
@bwhxemutpdmhvofo:tchncs.deabrasamji changed their profile picture.06:51:36
13 Jul 2024
@container_1:matrix.orgcontainer_1 joined the room.05:03:07
@container1:tchncs.decontainer1 joined the room.05:11:02
@bwhxemutpdmhvofo:tchncs.deabrasamji changed their profile picture.07:35:59
15 Jul 2024
@bwhxemutpdmhvofo:tchncs.deabrasamji changed their profile picture.12:19:59
16 Jul 2024
@carbon3261:matrix.org@carbon3261:matrix.org joined the room.17:18:56
@moldy.cheeze:arcticfoxes.netmoldy.cheeze (he/they) joined the room.14:36:12
@carbon3261:matrix.org@carbon3261:matrix.org left the room.17:18:58
@user:grin.ac@user:grin.ac joined the room.22:07:23
@user:grin.ac@user:grin.ac left the room.22:41:22
19 Jul 2024
@capital-nemesis:matrix.orgcapital-nemesis joined the room.02:27:09
@lincoln:tchncs.deLincoln joined the room.10:03:14
@ndr.matrix:matrix.orgndr.matrix joined the room.16:02:48
@matrixruinedmylife:arcticfoxes.netaki (she/her) joined the room.21:20:27
@enduring78:tchncs.deenduring78 joined the room.21:20:37
@duggalsu:matrix.orgduggalsu joined the room.21:29:51
21 Jul 2024
@mulder.fox:matrix.orgmulder.fox joined the room.00:17:53
@martin:mbree.xyzMartin joined the room.00:29:30
22 Jul 2024
@coffeecode:matrix.orgLaurenz joined the room.13:29:53
23 Jul 2024
@jad:beeper.comjad joined the room.14:20:41
@synthgamer101:matrix.orgSynth (out of the retirement home) changed their display name from Synth (retired) to Synth (out of the retirement home).19:28:22
24 Jul 2024
@the_polka:matrix.orgPolka joined the room.14:42:18
25 Jul 2024
@wifinearyou:matrix.orgWiFi Near You joined the room.01:46:22
26 Jul 2024
@ruckus49:matrix.orgruckus49 joined the room.00:12:36

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