
FreeTube General

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16 Apr 2019
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFT This was one I found a while back, but I'm not sure how they get the data from Soundcloud. 17:37:13
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:37:29
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFTNuclear uses their API as well, so I guess it wouldn't be a good alternative.17:38:11
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:39:03
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFT I believe there were requests for omarroth to support Soundcloud with his API, but I'd imagine his focus is going to stay on YouTube for a while. 17:39:35
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFTTheoretically someone could take Newpipe's API and make a proper privacy focused Soundcloud app with it. I don't really know anyone who would be willing to take on such a project though.17:41:10
@omarroth:matrix.org@omarroth:matrix.org Yeah, mentioned in #328 the amount of work for adding support for another site 18:10:02
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:57:27
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:58:03
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:58:18
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:44:59
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFT Darn. I'm not familiar enough with Nuclear to know of it's shortcomings but hopefully it gets better. Seemed nice on paper at least. 21:46:19
17 Apr 2019
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:15:04
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:16:35
@darkmaurice:matrix.org@darkmaurice:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:16:55
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFTDefinitely. As someone in a very similar position, I wish him luck on the project. I'll have to keep a closer eye on how progress goes.19:19:04
18 Apr 2019
@omarroth:matrix.org@omarroth:matrix.org Eagerly waiting for my messages to go through in the encrypted chat. Anyway the problem appears to be with formatUrls, player.js on line 82. 01:08:09
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFTYeah I've already found it. Binaries are being built as we speak.01:09:26
19 Apr 2019

Eagerly waiting for my messages to go through in the encrypted chat. Anyway the problem appears to be with formatUrls, player.js on line 82.

This is why you host your own Matrix server instead of using the matrix.org main. That and the fact that the main server just had a major security break, lol.

@arthur:arcrealityinc.comDopefishUsing self hosted is blazing fast.15:55:26
@omarroth:matrix.org@omarroth:matrix.orgIt only happens when I haven't sent any messages in a while, so I suspect the issue is more that my machine is slow, rather than a problem with the server, especially since I don't believe I've encountered the issue on my phone.16:17:12
@cloudrac3r:cadence.moe:8111cloudrac3r That exact thing also happens to me. My current theory is it happens when new devices are added, and the reason it takes time is because it's processing new encryption keys or something. 22:12:53
22 Apr 2019
26 Apr 2019
@linuxgirl22:matrix.org@linuxgirl22:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:28:49
@omarroth:matrix.org@omarroth:matrix.orgWaiting for messages to send in the other room, I'm looking into it now.00:29:36
@linuxgirl22:matrix.org@linuxgirl22:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:29:48
@prestonft:matrix.orgPrestonFTYeah. Appears to be an Invidious issue. I'm having trouble replicating it though.00:30:28
@linuxgirl22:matrix.org@linuxgirl22:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:30:46
@linuxgirl22:matrix.org@linuxgirl22:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:31:56

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