
TPG grow fungi

494 Members
grow fungi, mushrooms, shrooms, psychedelic, psychonaut5 Servers

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27 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org joined the room.16:27:46
28 Jul 2024
@butthole69125:matrix.orgbutthole69125 joined the room.07:06:02
29 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org left the room.23:08:51
2 Aug 2024
@caldodepollo:matrix.org@caldodepollo:matrix.org joined the room.18:59:03
@caldodepollo:matrix.org@caldodepollo:matrix.org left the room.18:59:19
7 Aug 2024
@st0ner:matrix.orgst0ner joined the room.21:05:55
8 Aug 2024
@vile343:matrix.orgvile343 joined the room.15:21:00
@vile343:matrix.orgvile343 Hello guys 15:22:26
9 Aug 2024
@icelanderbogi:matrix.orgicelanderbogi set a profile picture.19:43:27
10 Aug 2024
@benkichi:matrix.orgbenkichi joined the room.13:03:44
18 Aug 2024
@49xjbh8bbr:matrix.orgBigM joined the room.09:53:27
22 Aug 2024
@infinite_ayes:matrix.org@infinite_ayes:matrix.org joined the room.02:23:07
@infinite_ayes:matrix.org@infinite_ayes:matrix.org left the room.12:25:19
24 Aug 2024
@jetty72:matrix.orgjetty72 joined the room.02:30:16
26 Aug 2024
@el_patron_123:matrix.orgel_patron_123 joined the room.10:21:49
29 Aug 2024
@tripstaruk:matrix.orgtripstaruk joined the room.23:21:35
1 Sep 2024
@fractalstructure:matrix.org@fractalstructure:matrix.org changed their display name from fractalstructure to onerossy.22:44:23
2 Sep 2024
@fractalstructure:matrix.org@fractalstructure:matrix.org left the room.14:31:42
@freedom_x90:matrix.orgjimmydawgIf anyone is chasing weed, psychedelic,coke,meth,kets shrooms etc join our Menu 🔗🔗https://t.me/realtrapshit0115:07:00
4 Sep 2024
6 Sep 2024
@fucknhell:matrix.org@fucknhell:matrix.org joined the room.20:56:02
10 Sep 2024
@theoneneoo:matrix.orgNeo joined the room.05:09:30
@bahguy:matrix.orgbahguy joined the room.12:40:08
13 Sep 2024
@fucknhell:matrix.org@fucknhell:matrix.org joined the room.01:40:49
@fucknhell:matrix.org@fucknhell:matrix.org joined the room.01:41:00
@fucknhell:matrix.org@fucknhell:matrix.org left the room.01:41:39
16 Sep 2024
@aviijams:matrix.orgAvi Jam joined the room.06:49:01
17 Sep 2024
@whl:matrix.orgwwhl joined the room.09:29:13

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