
IC Node Providers

213 Members
The objective of this room is not only to facilitate the communication between DFINITY and Node Providers, but also between the Node Providers directly. And those who want to become Node Providers.3 Servers

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20 Aug 2024
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchigeit works14:14:41
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeThere was a an eror saying Network interface not identified, retried 3 times14:15:08
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchigethen it worked14:15:13
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeThe third time I used nano to update the config.ini. Only difference I made, Earlier I used VSCode14:17:49
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchigehttps://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/node/bv2x3-p2b3h-b23rg-aoq3s-kdzo2-pipmf-5y2me-jfa4w-tb7vr-qistz-2ae Its Active! :D I will update wiki on my learnings14:26:53
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige * There was a an error saying Network interface not identified, retried 3 times 15:12:26
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige * Wait, I tried the third time, and I still got the warning but after 5mins of waiting 15:12:32
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige

So two nodes migrated, but other have the following error when we try to remove from registry

 dfx canister --network ic call rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai remove_node_directly '(record { node_id = principal "ebih2-65fto-thxfj-knxfn-xxdmq-z42dj-oty4c-n3fbj-qry6f-g3oe2-nqe" })'

Error: The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "Error from Canister rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai: Canister called `ic0.trap` with message: Panicked at '[Registry] do_remove_node_directly: Cannot remove a node that is a member of a subnet. This node is a member of Subnet: subnet_record_pzp6e-ekpqk-3c5x7-2h6so-njoeq-mt45d-h3h6c-q3mxf-vpeq5-fk5o7-yae', rs/registry/canister/src/mutations/node_management/do_remove_node_directly.rs:49:13.
Consider gracefully handling failures from this canister or altering the canister to handle exceptions. See documentation: http://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/execution-errors#trapped-explicitly"
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige Saša Tomić [DFINITY]: 15:15:35
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeUpdated docs https://wiki.internetcomputer.org/wiki/Removing_a_Node_From_the_Registry17:15:18
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeThere is no DRE tool guide for removing node from subnet, should this done by dffinity or we can do this ?17:15:54
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige

Figured it out

Aparently I only added one node, will add the 3 after this accepted

./ic-admin \
    --nns-url https://ic0.app \
    -s ~/.config/dfx/identity/node-provider-hotkey/identity.pem \
    propose-to-remove-nodes-from-subnet \
    --summary "Removing cm1 nodes for new IPv6 and IPv4 Redeployment" \
    --proposer 10477137729120770817 \
    ylm4h-mc2vy-vmwvf-g2qhn-36rbw-5cunq-wpj2j-ttofo-xc27c-vfdh7-aae \
    zpjxp-c6l3m-x54lj-47zz5-dpy6u-lpdkt-hc7pp-gdfuu-i4i7i-jpp4w-lqe \

Code snippet
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige *

Figured it out

Aparently I only added one node, will add the 3 after this accepted

./ic-admin \
    --nns-url https://ic0.app \
    -s ~/.config/dfx/identity/node-provider-hotkey/identity.pem \
    propose-to-remove-nodes-from-subnet \
    --summary "Removing cm1 nodes for new IPv6 and IPv4 Redeployment" \
    --proposer 10477137729120770817 \
    ylm4h-mc2vy-vmwvf-g2qhn-36rbw-5cunq-wpj2j-ttofo-xc27c-vfdh7-aae \
    zpjxp-c6l3m-x54lj-47zz5-dpy6u-lpdkt-hc7pp-gdfuu-i4i7i-jpp4w-lqe \

@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige *

Figured it out

Apparently I only added one node, will add the 3 after this accepted

./ic-admin \
    --nns-url https://ic0.app \
    -s ~/.config/dfx/identity/node-provider-hotkey/identity.pem \
    propose-to-remove-nodes-from-subnet \
    --summary "Removing cm1 nodes for new IPv6 and IPv4 Redeployment" \
    --proposer 10477137729120770817 \
    ylm4h-mc2vy-vmwvf-g2qhn-36rbw-5cunq-wpj2j-ttofo-xc27c-vfdh7-aae \
    zpjxp-c6l3m-x54lj-47zz5-dpy6u-lpdkt-hc7pp-gdfuu-i4i7i-jpp4w-lqe \

@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige *

Figured it out

Apparently I only added one node, will add the rest of the 3 nodes after this NNS proposal is accepted accepted

./ic-admin \
    --nns-url https://ic0.app \
    -s ~/.config/dfx/identity/node-provider-hotkey/identity.pem \
    propose-to-remove-nodes-from-subnet \
    --summary "Removing cm1 nodes for new IPv6 and IPv4 Redeployment" \
    --proposer 10477137729120770817 \
    ylm4h-mc2vy-vmwvf-g2qhn-36rbw-5cunq-wpj2j-ttofo-xc27c-vfdh7-aae \
    zpjxp-c6l3m-x54lj-47zz5-dpy6u-lpdkt-hc7pp-gdfuu-i4i7i-jpp4w-lqe \

21 Aug 2024
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige *

Figured it out

Apparently I only added one node, will add the rest of the 3 nodes after this NNS proposal is accepted

./ic-admin \
    --nns-url https://ic0.app \
    -s ~/.config/dfx/identity/node-provider-hotkey/identity.pem \
    propose-to-remove-nodes-from-subnet \
    --summary "Removing cm1 nodes for new IPv6 and IPv4 Redeployment" \
    --proposer 10477137729120770817 \
    ylm4h-mc2vy-vmwvf-g2qhn-36rbw-5cunq-wpj2j-ttofo-xc27c-vfdh7-aae \
    zpjxp-c6l3m-x54lj-47zz5-dpy6u-lpdkt-hc7pp-gdfuu-i4i7i-jpp4w-lqe \

23 Aug 2024
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeHi Everyone, As some of you might be aware, we are in the process of changing our IPv6 subnet due to issues with the Geo IP database. The ISP has assigned us IP addresses that are not recognized as local, even though the latency remains the same. To address this, we've taken steps to acquire our own local IPv4 and IPv6 subnets. As part of this effort, we are redeploying all CM1 DC nodes from scratch. We've successfully migrated two nodes that were not previously in the subnet to our new IP space. Now, we have created two NNS proposals to remove the nodes that are still in the subnet and need to be migrated: Proposal 131977 https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/proposal/131977 Proposal 132102 https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/proposal/132102 We would greatly appreciate your support in voting on these proposals to expedite the migration process. Thank you for your assistance!03:38:16
@timk11:matrix.orgTim joined the room.05:22:40
Download image.png
@77676m:matrix.org77676m 2024-08-23 .png
Download 2024-08-23 .png
@77676m:matrix.org77676mI reinstalled my old node, I've done it twice now because there were problems with my node, I'm getting a new node ID but it's not registering, here's the logs, what could be the problem?09:48:37
@sasa-tomic:matrix.orgSaša Tomić [DFINITY]

Hi Malith. Thank you for trying to take action yourself. Sadly, these proposals have some problems. I believe that Sven already reached out to you to explain the problems.
On a high level, the problem is that if we remove a node from a subnet, the subnet stays with one node less, which can be seen as a (not a huge one but still..) security concern since the threshold keys will be split across a smaller number of nodes in the subnet. Our team also hit a number of proposals rejected in the past for the same reason.
Therefore, it's recommended to use change-subnet-membership proposals.

I understand that there was little documentation on how to do this, and I've made an attempt now to improve the situation.

In particular, I:

  • Updated ic-admin to remove the deprecated proposals to separately add or remove nodes from a subnet: https://github.com/dfinity/ic/pull/1103
  • Added a notice that the DRE tool should be used instead, with a link to the DRE repo
  • Added instructions in the DRE repo on how the subnet replacement proposals should be submitted
  • Added docs with the explanation of how decentralization is calculated and why is it implemented the way it is
  • Added instructions on how nodes in a subnet can be replaced
  • Added instructions on how nodes from a particular DC can be removed from a subnet https://dfinity.github.io/dre/nns-proposals.html#removing-nodes-from-a-subnet

Someone should also update the wiki to point to the DRE documentation for this operation.

Please take a look at the new docs and let me know if the described process looks reasonable to you.

@sasa-tomic:matrix.orgSaša Tomić [DFINITY]Likely network connectivity. I don't see the node online.17:05:15
26 Aug 2024
@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige

Hi Saša Tomić [DFINITY] and Sven Fischer any update on removing the nodes ?
The following nodes are now offline




For DRE tool to recognize and remove them from subnet

@malithh:matrix.orgMalith Hatanachchige *

Hi Saša Tomić [DFINITY] and Sven Fischer any update on removing the nodes from subnet ?
The following nodes are now offline




For DRE tool to recognize and remove them from subnet

@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeI ran the DRE Tool heal function, seems to be working so far zppi4 ebih2 ylm4h zpjxp All 4 nodes get replaced and the best part is the two nodes we migrated and online bv2x3 shtwt It will be in the proposal as a replacement. Great job guys! on building the tool. I will wait for you to submit the proposals15:19:55
@sasa-tomic:matrix.orgSaša Tomić [DFINITY]
In reply to @malithh:matrix.org
I ran the DRE Tool heal function, seems to be working so far


All 4 nodes get replaced and the best part is the two nodes we migrated and online


It will be in the proposal as a replacement. Great job guys! on building the tool. I will wait for you to submit the proposals

@malithh:matrix.org we found a bug in the tool, that it may readd an unhealthy node back to the subnet. Please wait with submission, a fix is under way.

@malithh:matrix.orgMalith HatanachchigeOh right! thats a big one if it puts back in. Yea your right the issue is there. I will wait for your update. Again thanks for the support and amazing work!15:33:14
@sasa-tomic:matrix.orgSaša Tomić [DFINITY]Update: The fix in the tooling is ready. We'll do some additional testing tomorrow, and then submit all proposals (planned also for tomorrow). https://github.com/dfinity/dre/pull/801 The proposal should be adopted on Friday (after 3 days waiting for votes), if that helps for planning.20:42:11
27 Aug 2024
In reply to @sasa-tomic:matrix.org
Likely network connectivity. I don't see the node online.
We've tried everything, we can't figure out what the problem is.

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