

1765 Members
Announcements from the ntfy project (bridged from https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w)53 Servers

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13 May 2024
@_discord_224960316503621633:t2bot.ioherzkerl joined the room.19:37:46
@_discord_805503024041558048:t2bot.iobinwiederhier 🇩🇪 🎉 ntfy server v2.11.0

This is a tiny release that fixes a database index issue that caused performance issues on ntfy.sh. It also fixes a bug in the rate visitor logic that caused rate visitors to be assigned to seemingly random topics. Nothing major this time.

❤️ Quick reminder that if you like ntfy, please consider sponsoring us via GitHub Sponsors (https://github.com/sponsors/binwiederhier) and Liberapay (https://en.liberapay.com/ntfy/), or buying a paid plan via the web app (https://ntfy.sh/app). ntfy will always remain open source.

Bug fixes + maintenance:

* Re-add database index idx_topic to the messages table to fix performance issues on ntfy.sh (no ticket, big thanks to tcaputi for finding this issue)
* Do not set rate visitor for non-eligible topics (no ticket)
* Do not cache config.js (#1098, thanks to wunter8)
@_discord_805503024041558048:t2bot.iobinwiederhier 🇩🇪 * 🎉 ntfy server v2.11.0

This is a tiny release that fixes a database index issue that caused performance issues on ntfy.sh. It also fixes a bug in the rate visitor logic that caused rate visitors to be assigned to seemingly random topics. Nothing major this time.

❤️ Quick reminder that if you like ntfy, please consider sponsoring us via GitHub Sponsors (https://github.com/sponsors/binwiederhier) and Liberapay (https://en.liberapay.com/ntfy/), or buying a paid plan via the web app (https://ntfy.sh/app). ntfy will always remain open source.

Bug fixes + maintenance:
* Re-add database index idx_topic to the messages table to fix performance issues on ntfy.sh (no ticket, big thanks to tcaputi for finding this issue)
* Do not set rate visitor for non-eligible topics (no ticket)
* Do not cache config.js (#1098, thanks to wunter8)
14 May 2024
@_discord_939083945650311178:t2bot.iofrmnlhkm joined the room.01:59:19
@defectivoo:matrix.org@defectivoo:matrix.org joined the room.08:20:56
@_discord_845327664143532053:t2bot.iole_tga25 joined the room.08:55:27
@defectivoo:matrix.org@defectivoo:matrix.org joined the room.12:44:09
@defectivoo:matrix.org@defectivoo:matrix.org left the room.12:45:19
@_discord_1239991800266096793:t2bot.ionico_94651 joined the room.17:25:02
15 May 2024
@_discord_805272565576630322:t2bot.iotiiwoo joined the room.14:42:47
@_discord_1240414622868176910:t2bot.io7287_53322 joined the room.21:26:08
16 May 2024
@_discord_859576776757870623:t2bot.ioslowhawkeclipse joined the room.02:54:09
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org joined the room.07:34:07
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org set their display name to Lucas.07:35:26
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their display name from Lucas to Lucas ∞.08:19:18
@_discord_1207640782782070805:t2bot.iohafizsaadcb707 joined the room.09:42:16
@_discord_786659847713980437:t2bot.iozoonist joined the room.13:06:29
17 May 2024
@_discord_1232685413731274803:t2bot.io_vagii joined the room.01:36:36
@_discord_180951720422146048:t2bot.io.olterman joined the room.13:46:14
18 May 2024
@_discord_1240924027661324311:t2bot.io60099q_18150 joined the room.03:43:15
@_discord_936394807243325481:t2bot.iojoanna002758 joined the room.19:31:04
19 May 2024
@_discord_623015441559977996:t2bot.ioenoch001 joined the room.02:25:59
@_discord_141976510943854592:t2bot.iobl1nd____ joined the room.08:14:32
@_discord_1241742222353764352:t2bot.iojubilant_mango_79514 joined the room.13:21:38
@_discord_175449518102413312:t2bot.ioakzidenz joined the room.23:47:38
21 May 2024
@_discord_771310966410706946:t2bot.ioderkinzi joined the room.10:33:44
@abacaxi123:matrix.org@abacaxi123:matrix.org joined the room.12:00:55
@_discord_328896689677271041:t2bot.ionekoluna joined the room.13:26:01
@abacaxi123:matrix.org@abacaxi123:matrix.org left the room.14:17:23
@_discord_923312728351866890:t2bot.iokuku6027 joined the room.19:55:17

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