8 Jan 2023 |
| cocos11 joined the room. | 22:59:31 |
12 Jan 2023 |
| STEAK#4791 changed their profile picture. | 20:02:33 |
22 Jan 2023 |
| Deprixion changed their display name from Deprixion to Deprixion#2035. | 18:42:09 |
| Deprixion changed their display name from Deprixion#2035 to Deprixion. | 18:42:28 |
Deprixion | wow! :heart_eyes: join and check it!! https://discord.gg/Hz9Mfk9sAQ @everyone @here | 18:43:06 |
Deprixion | wow! :heart_eyes: join and check it!! https://discord.gg/Hz9Mfk9sAQ @everyone @here | 19:23:00 |
24 Jan 2023 |
| Boondock Saint changed their display name from mr.orange to Boondock Saint. | 01:32:52 |
| Boondock Saint set a profile picture. | 01:32:59 |
| Boondock Saint left the room. | 02:08:35 |
26 Jan 2023 |
| yummy_pizza#8506 changed their display name from yummy_pizza to mrheckerman#8506. | 05:37:24 |
| yummy_pizza#8506 changed their profile picture. | 05:37:45 |
| yummy_pizza#8506 changed their display name from mrheckerman#8506 to mrheckerman. | 05:38:00 |
2 Feb 2023 |
| _accele_#0 changed their display name from accele to accele#7452. | 17:59:23 |
5 Feb 2023 |
| 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100 changed their display name from Walmart to 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100. | 07:48:31 |
| 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100 changed their profile picture. | 07:48:47 |
9 Feb 2023 |
| McBeth joined the room. | 03:52:27 |
| hpfan592 joined the room. | 07:12:31 |
15 Feb 2023 |
| 50 joined the room. | 01:20:37 |
25 Feb 2023 |
| WildT2 joined the room. | 02:01:47 |
| BOZO joined the room. | 04:37:25 |
26 Feb 2023 |
| brokenprotagonist joined the room. | 00:01:44 |
2 Mar 2023 |
| joetomsy joined the room. | 01:14:31 |
5 Mar 2023 |
| Kamakasi#0101 changed their display name from Kamakasi to Kamakasi#0101. | 02:56:36 |
9 Mar 2023 |
| mariuseduard joined the room. | 11:36:02 |
3 Apr 2023 |
| Manu.Test joined the room. | 18:20:46 |
4 Apr 2023 |
| Parsi_X changed their display name from mackaasaurus to Parsi_X#8351. | 10:08:43 |
| Parsi_X changed their profile picture. | 10:09:00 |
| Parsi_X changed their display name from Parsi_X#8351 to Parsi_X. | 10:09:10 |
Doron | "https://discord.gg/tiktok-xxx"
Discord is the easiest way to talk over voice, video, and text. Talk, chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities. | 14:10:41 |
8 Apr 2023 |
| tooveroo joined the room. | 08:14:10 |