

20 Members
webm, mp4, and video links, et cetera. No gore1 Servers

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8 Oct 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload 1570553341782.webm19:00:59
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload spoopier-general(0335d2cd)1570354652954.Norm.webm19:04:02
9 Oct 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mRedacted or Malformed Event02:32:05
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mokay i guess riot doesn't like .mkv for some stupid reason..02:32:53
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload Gandhi's Nuclear Video's - Revenge of the Crabdemons.Norm.mp402:35:14
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload Gandhi's Nuclear Video's - lastvid.sint.Norm.mp402:35:44
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload Gandhi's Nuclear Video's - These Loading Screens Are Just Getting Ridiculous.Norm.mp402:46:14
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload Gandhi's Nuclear Video's - Watching Kaguya Luna Correctly.Norm.mp402:47:20
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mRedacted or Malformed Event06:59:25
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mforgot to convert it07:00:21
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload Gandhi's Nuclear Video's - What if Luigi were purple.Norm.mp407:00:43
12 Oct 2019
@pointerway9:matrix.org@pointerway9:matrix.org joined the room.20:12:30
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload ♡-・゚memes(def2a70a)frosty.Norm.mp420:26:03
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload ♡-・゚memes(8534b983)898b6d9fb178af62ddee8bd9a6d86061.Norm.mp420:41:18
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload ♡-・゚memes(ce5d02e6)when_mom_turns_off_the_wifi.Norm.mp422:35:08
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgNO GAMING.22:36:05
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload ♡-・゚memes(fc80c59d)Based.Norm.webm23:06:37
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)what a daring lad 23:09:19
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)clap clap23:09:24
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mv Wrestling is fake, but when some one hits you, you are supposed to "sell his moves" by pretending that he actually hit you hard.. But this video is where some obese white dude isn't doing what he is supposed to....he just doesn't react when jap man uses moves on him.......so eventually jap man gets pissed that the fat dude is just trying to play invincible by not selling ANY of the jap's moves even though the jap man sold all of fat man's moves when fat man hit jap man.....and so jap man gets pissed and starts slapping and kicking the fat dude for real.. v23:17:17
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mDownload ♡-・゚memes(d471630b)1568888215941.Norm.webm23:17:51
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)even allah man has to go in there to help23:20:39
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)what a peice of shit lol23:21:09
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)glad the jap man just snapped on him23:21:27
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mallah man is the fat dude's coach i think......because he is next to fat man near the beginning of the match too..23:21:31
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgthe commentary is great23:41:15
13 Oct 2019
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.org changed their display name from grannie420 (supreame lead er of dell ofice) to grannie420 (monkeypilled).02:51:33
14 Oct 2019
@pointerway9:matrix.org@pointerway9:matrix.orgDownload video_541d054.mp400:29:00

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