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1 Aug 2022
@lemonzest79:matrix.orglemonzest79 joined the room.18:40:28
@beethoven2__:matrix.orgbeethoven2__yeah, the website and contentdb got a bit of a boost, but it seems that people really just wanna watch to see what happens18:40:40

If you use headphones to play Minetest, you should enable HRTF. It's a setting you enable in the OpenAL system settings, no Minetest changes are needed. Results in much better and clearer 3d sound: https://youtu.be/jXkDmJRI1yg

(On Linux, you enable it by adding hrtf = true to ~/.alsoftrc. I also installed AUR's openal-hrtf but that shouldn't be needed)

In reply to @rubenwardy:matrix.org

If you use headphones to play Minetest, you should enable HRTF. It's a setting you enable in the OpenAL system settings, no Minetest changes are needed. Results in much better and clearer 3d sound: https://youtu.be/jXkDmJRI1yg

(On Linux, you enable it by adding hrtf = true to ~/.alsoftrc. I also installed AUR's openal-hrtf but that shouldn't be needed)

Is there also a 3D-sound possible under windows?
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyyes, you need to use the alsoft conf application to set it up22:52:45
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyI don't know how to do it on Windows22:52:50

Run the alsoft-config.exe utility, switch to the HRTF tab and change "HRTF Mode" to "Force on", then click Apply. I'll note that it won't affect the "Generic Software" devices, which it seems to be opening by default, only devices that have "OpenAL Soft".

@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyNote it defaults to auto - it'll try and detect headphones and enable it if detected22:53:28
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardydidn't work for me, but it might already be enabled for you22:53:36
@settl3r:matrix.orgsettl3rIs that sound experience notably different to the standard one (using earplugs) =22:54:12
@settl3r:matrix.orgsettl3r * Is that sound experience notably different to the standard one (using earplugs) ?22:54:15
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyI can hear a big difference, it's a lot more clear and easier to hear where sounds are coming from22:54:37
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyWith HRTF off, the only thing that changes is the volume of each ear22:54:51
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardywith it on, it also changes time offets. This is much more accurate to real life22:55:04
@settl3r:matrix.orgsettl3rDoes it use much cpu?22:55:12
@rubenwardy:matrix.orgrubenwardyI didn't notice a difference in cpu usage22:55:28
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorgiven minetest compiles everything in on windows, im not sure if https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/1fzonq/psa_for_games_using_openal_including_minecraft/ method will work or not22:57:47
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorthen again, at least one windows, sounds fails after a few world restarts so does the setting really matter anyways 🙃22:58:11
2 Aug 2022
@schwarzwald:matrix.orgschwarzwaldSound actually fails? That's a huge bug. If you have a world with broken sound is it still broken on another computer?00:44:29
@schwarzwald:matrix.orgschwarzwaldI need a way to repro and then I'll start working on it.00:44:52
@schwarzwald:matrix.orgschwarzwald probably wsor: 00:45:02
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorworld? no00:45:31
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorminetest sound dies after a few world restarts, or server joins and leaves00:45:50
@schwarzwald:matrix.orgschwarzwaldSound fails for the game entirely?00:45:51
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorjust restart the client to fix it00:45:57
@schwarzwald:matrix.orgschwarzwaldAh. Interesting.00:46:09
@wsor4035:matrix.orgprobably wsorhttps://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12605#issuecomment-1198722445 summarizes the more critical to user experience bugs for windows00:47:20

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