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Generic Talk about homelab things. Hardware, OSs, Applications, Network, and everything in between.47 Servers

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14 Oct 2023
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbard * Hey, can I get some help plumbing in a GPU to a 2U server? You know those 1x PCIe risers via usb? Is there something that can do 8x PCIe electrical / 16x physical? I've got the PCIe power sorted, just looking at PCIe now. For a Supermicro SC826BE1C-R920WB with the X10DRH-CT motherboard16:17:46
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueroI once asked about that to a supplier, and they had to consider what GPU you were asking. Space is limited and the specs don't detail all posible card that will fit in the space, so you basically need to look manually 16:18:49
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueroso they could ever give an answer if it was possible to do 16:19:11
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbard thanks ifiguero , I'm looking to plumb the electrical lines to outside the case, I agree 2U isn't going to fit so I'm just going outside the case now 16:19:25
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueroYeah, but GPUs are bulky and they have fans. so you need to see if it will fit properly in the space.16:19:57
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbard * thanks ifiguero , I'm looking to plumb the electrical lines to outside the case, I agree 2U isn't going to fit so I'm just going outside the case now even though that's going to be a roastable setup for sure... 🙈 16:19:59
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueroyou already know if it fits?16:20:11
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid HubbardI'm already planning to not fit it in the case, just gonna run the lines outside the case16:20:24
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifiguerooh, nvm then16:20:38
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardlike this thing? (not an affiliate link) https://www.amazon.com/BLUEXIN-Adapter-Express-Multiplier-Ethereum/dp/B07CQS2VT2 it could then slip the signals out through the half height card slot in the back. But it's only 1x PCIe so not gonna go for that since I have an 8x PCIe slot16:21:27
In reply to @davidhubbard:matrix.org
thanks ifiguero , I'm looking to plumb the electrical lines to outside the case, I agree 2U isn't going to fit so I'm just going outside the case now even though that's going to be a roastable setup for sure... 🙈
Then you're going to be limited to PCIe 3. PCIe 4 and up have signalling limitations
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoYou might want to consider OCULink16:22:01
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardthis motherboard (Supermicro X10DRH-CT) is PCIe 3.0 anyway16:22:03
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid HubbardOCULink... haven't heard of that yet, thanks16:22:12
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardlooking it up16:22:15
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoNot sure if there are add-on cards which can do the conversion for you, but that would be my go-to for PCIe outside of the case16:22:49
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid HubbardLooks like 4x oculink to a 4x PCIe electrical / 16x physical is common enough https://www.amazon.com/SFF-8612-SFF-8611-PCI-Express-Mainboard-Graphics/dp/B0BP1ZWHHV but though 8x exists, I haven't found an adapter yet16:28:00
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoIIRC, 8x connectors do exist, but are rare16:33:15
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnno * IIRC, 8x connectors do exist, but are rare.16:33:19
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnno4x is a lot more common16:33:27
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardmakes sense. Found https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081PB4FRP/ref=ewc_title_delete1?smid=A1UCLUF7KW7AYG now I'm looking at SFF-8643 U.2 SAS HD - could I find an adapter back to PCIe for it? https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-Installation-MiniSAS-Conventional-Desktop/dp/B0B27Z8D8316:39:06
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoI have to add that I have no experience with this stuff personally. I only know it because I've seen it on the internet.16:40:01
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardfound one https://www.newegg.com/amp/p/17Z-00TX-000C216:41:39
@davidhubbard:matrix.orgDavid Hubbardok, I gotta say thank you because I have learned a ton my spidey sense is telling me to not go with the SFF-8643 setup, even though it would look a lot nicer, it's too far from the norm, no one else is doing it that way I'm gonna go with https://www.amazon.com/GELRHONR-Express-Extension-Graphics-Flexible/dp/B095YBJDJK and have the riser cable just dangling out of the case... 🙈 so roastable, but at least it's highly likely to work17:04:11
15 Oct 2023
@slushee:arcticfoxes.net@slushee:arcticfoxes.net joined the room.13:31:15
16 Oct 2023
@redears:matrix.orgredears joined the room.04:31:22
19 Oct 2023
@pabe:matrix.phcn.depabe joined the room.09:36:44
20 Oct 2023
@lthibault:matrix.orglthibault joined the room.00:59:02

Is there a software stack for self-hosting all the "cloud" stuff that keeps me tied to the Apple ecosystem? Ideally I'd like to self-host things like

  • calendar
  • email
  • remote storage
  • git repo
  • matrix server

I'm fairly comfortable administrating Debian boxes individually over SSH. I'm totally open to opinionated setups, but strongly biased towards a low-maintenance setup. The ultimate goal is to chuck my MacBook and get some kind of linux laptop.

@lthibault:matrix.orglthibault *

Is there a software stack for self-hosting all the "cloud" stuff that keeps me tied to the Apple ecosystem? Ideally I'd like to self-host things like

  • calendar
  • email
  • remote storage
  • git repo
  • matrix server

I'm fairly comfortable administrating Debian boxes individually over SSH. I'm totally open to opinionated setups, but strongly biased towards a low-maintenance setup. The ultimate goal is to chuck my MacBook and get some kind of linux laptop, so it doesn't have to be directly compatible with the Mac ecosystem (provided migration is reasonably straightforward).



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