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20 Oct 2023
@lthibault:matrix.orglthibault *

👋 Hi everyone!

Is there a software stack for self-hosting all the "cloud" stuff that keeps me tied to the Apple ecosystem? Ideally I'd like to self-host things like

  • calendar
  • email
  • remote storage
  • git repo
  • matrix server

I'm fairly comfortable administrating Debian boxes individually over SSH. I'm totally open to opinionated setups, but strongly biased towards a low-maintenance setup. The ultimate goal is to chuck my MacBook and get some kind of linux laptop, so it doesn't have to be directly compatible with the Mac ecosystem (provided migration is reasonably straightforward).


@lthibault:matrix.orglthibault *

👋 Hi everyone!

Is there a software stack for self-hosting all the "cloud" stuff that keeps me tied to the Apple ecosystem? Ideally I'd like to self-host things like

  • calendar
  • email
  • remote storage
  • git repo
  • matrix server

I'm fairly comfortable administrating Debian boxes individually over SSH. I'm totally open to opinionated setups, but strongly biased towards a low-maintenance setup. The ultimate goal is to chuck my MacBook and get some kind of linux laptop, so it doesn't have to be directly compatible with the Mac ecosystem (provided migration is reasonably straightforward).


Edit: for clarity, I'm imagining something like the LAMP stack for web servers; some set of open-source projects that work well together.


Hello. Welcome to the sysadmin life. If you want to self host your services there is several flavors, depending on your taste. I'm sure you will get plenty of recomendations.

Besides using gitea for my repos and registry, I don't use the other asked services. Maybe you csn find some on https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

@lthibault:matrix.orglthibaultOh perfect, thank you!02:00:32
In reply to @lthibault:matrix.org
Oh perfect, thank you!

You can also self-host gitlab if you fancy that better than gitea.

The most popular matrix server is synapse, and the most popular google drive alternative is nextcloud, if that's what you mean by remote storage

@slushee:arcticfoxes.net@slushee:arcticfoxes.netI think nextcloud might have a calendar? if it's not built in then there's definitely a plugin08:00:36
@slushee:arcticfoxes.net@slushee:arcticfoxes.netAnd I've found that the lowest maintenance setups are docker stacks, they're set and forget for me08:03:41
@slushee:arcticfoxes.net@slushee:arcticfoxes.netjust make sure to enable automatic updates everywhere so you get all the security patches08:04:35
In reply to @ifiguero:matrix.org

Hello. Welcome to the sysadmin life. If you want to self host your services there is several flavors, depending on your taste. I'm sure you will get plenty of recomendations.

Besides using gitea for my repos and registry, I don't use the other asked services. Maybe you csn find some on https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Unfortunately the non-free page of it is very incomplete.
In reply to @lthibault:matrix.org

👋 Hi everyone!

Is there a software stack for self-hosting all the "cloud" stuff that keeps me tied to the Apple ecosystem? Ideally I'd like to self-host things like

  • calendar
  • email
  • remote storage
  • git repo
  • matrix server

I'm fairly comfortable administrating Debian boxes individually over SSH. I'm totally open to opinionated setups, but strongly biased towards a low-maintenance setup. The ultimate goal is to chuck my MacBook and get some kind of linux laptop, so it doesn't have to be directly compatible with the Mac ecosystem (provided migration is reasonably straightforward).


Edit: for clarity, I'm imagining something like the LAMP stack for web servers; some set of open-source projects that work well together.

it sounds like you should look into nextcloud. it doesn't cover all of the requirements outlined by you, but a calendar, remote storage, can do email and be a chat client (unsure if matrix or oldies like xmpp). it can also act like a openid provider.

gitea is great for git and container registry.

@lthibault:matrix.orglthibaultNextcloud and gitea both look like excellent starting points. Thanks!18:56:05
@cebopp1:matrix.orgcebopp1 joined the room.22:18:15
21 Oct 2023
@kaosine:matrix.orgkaosine joined the room.04:22:19
22 Oct 2023
@adaptare:matrix.orgdecadentist joined the room.21:47:06
26 Oct 2023
@andy_h:matrix.orgAndy joined the room.20:45:20
27 Oct 2023
@ninja9874:matrix.orgobsidian_ninja joined the room.02:32:06
29 Oct 2023
@k1nk0z:subr0sa.0j0.jp@k1nk0z:subr0sa.0j0.jp joined the room.12:27:14
@analphabete:matrix.organalphabete joined the room.21:59:52
30 Oct 2023
@slushee:arcticfoxes.net@slushee:arcticfoxes.net left the room.17:24:29
31 Oct 2023
@noyoinfo:matrix.orgnoyoinfo joined the room.05:06:09
1 Nov 2023
@karl._.15:plus.stkarl._.15 joined the room.21:12:52
2 Nov 2023
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf joined the room.04:04:48
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf left the room.04:05:37
3 Nov 2023

I'm having some trouble with one of my TrueNAS CORE installations. Something has borked either networking or the dashboard. I can't really figure out which it is. The symptoms are as follows;

  1. dashboard will not update itself after a couple of seconds of loading it
  2. In order to use the side menu actions, you need need a refresh of the page and click the action or it won't work.
  3. Because the updates to the pages are being disrupted, it is not always clear if some action is being performed properly.

Both my NAS's are running 13.0-U5.3. Only one of the two has this issue. This makes me think it is an issue with the installation, but I'm not sure.

I would appreciate any advice on how I can analyse and/or fix this.

@rails11326206827:matrix.org@rails11326206827:matrix.orgWeb ui? Try another browser, try disabling extensions?17:19:30
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoIf the browser was the problem, I would have it on both NAS'es, right?17:29:33
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoBoth are running 13.0-U5.317:29:51
@0nn0:matrix.orgOnnoonly happens on one of them17:30:02
@rails11326206827:matrix.org@rails11326206827:matrix.orgDoes it appear to be "frozen" like the page is not responding?17:33:02
@rails11326206827:matrix.org@rails11326206827:matrix.orgDid you try another browser just to check?17:35:24

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