
Coder Radio Feedback

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29 Mar 2024
In reply to @mooshuxs:matrix.org
Are you a DIYer? Is the phone battery “un replaceable”? Did it drop that quickly when it was new? If you really like everything else have you considered replacing the battery?
If so, a warning that may not apply. I replaced the battery in my iPhone 7 with a stock new one from eBay and got the same quick discharge time as the one I replaced.
I believe the battery was made at the time my phone was and though it was “new”, it wasn’t new in the sense that it had longer use between chargings.
Also, I wonder if because it’s Samsung, it’s powering 2 OSs and using more battery power for that reason?
When I purchased my stock replacement, there were better than stock batteries offered that I regret not taking more seriously.
I got another iPhone as a gift, but it’s an SE gen 3, it’s an iPhone but is under performing compared with other models. I’m considering getting my iPhone 7 up and running but am concerned about its performance only because it’s so old. Maybe it doesn’t have enough RAM for use nowadays or maybe Apple will slow it “to save battery life” even with a new high capacity battery? I should just do a search, for that and about the RAM
Nah, my phone is older and the battery is draining faster because of the age of the battery. It would last longer if I turned on battery saving features but I chose not too. I think Apple should have just given the option to do the same right off the bat. Heck it should be an option on day one like my samsung phones have had
30 Mar 2024
@mooshuxs:matrix.org@mooshuxs:matrix.orgInstead of getting a new battery for my phone, I’ll save for one of these https://protohologram.com/about/01:52:48
31 Mar 2024
@kpovoc:beeper.comkpovocI’ve noticed how you use your phone plays into it a lot as well. I still have an iPhone 11 that I’ve been using since they came out, and I can still get more than a whole day of my normal use out of a charge. But my wife can barely get hers to last half a day. Her phones generally wear out faster than mine.18:45:20
@kpovoc:beeper.comkpovocI typically turn off most permissions for apps, especially location tracking. And I generally turn off (completely) my Wi-Fi when I’m not somewhere I’ll actually use it. Same for LTE when I’m at home. My wife has a lot of apps that she lets do whatever they want, and doesn’t manage her radios like I do. I think this tends to lead to more battery stress and wear over time.18:48:16
@mooshuxs:matrix.org@mooshuxs:matrix.org Coder 562 min 20:50 “Apple doesn’t have 90% market share”
I was just read this by someone. They said iPhone has 80% in the USA and 20% worldwide.
I don’t know if that’s true.
1 Apr 2024
@mooshuxs:matrix.org@mooshuxs:matrix.orgWrong or it changed: https://explodingtopics.com/blog/iphone-android-users# https://backlinko.com/iphone-vs-android-statistics#05:08:58
@lukasz310:matrix.orgucanmewhat joined the room.06:41:26
@ianhenderson:matrix.org@ianhenderson:matrix.org left the room.20:10:20
2 Apr 2024
@noobsteve:matrix.orgnoobSteve chrislas: Navy guy here. The reason they shut down comms when someone passes is 100% due to next of kin notification. The DOD has a very strict notification method which is designed to make it as “easy” as possible for the family. Of course no death is easy, but they certainly try. Now for ships, we shut off our comms for all types of reasons and almost never have internet access on personal devices. Ground bases of known locations will have access, but when in the field they should not have personal devices with them. 10:43:16
@noobsteve:matrix.orgnoobSteveSorry wrong channel11:11:48
In reply to @noobsteve:matrix.org
chrislas: Navy guy here. The reason they shut down comms when someone passes is 100% due to next of kin notification. The DOD has a very strict notification method which is designed to make it as “easy” as possible for the family. Of course no death is easy, but they certainly try. Now for ships, we shut off our comms for all types of reasons and almost never have internet access on personal devices. Ground bases of known locations will have access, but when in the field they should not have personal devices with them.
Ahhh ok, that makes sense. Thanks for that background.
5 Apr 2024
@aaburger85:matrix.orgWirelesslyWired changed their profile picture.14:28:19
6 Apr 2024
@bhh32:matrix.orgBryan Hyland
In reply to @dominucco:jupiterbroadcasting.com
Hey Bryan, so we did mention the C++ thing. I personally think it's a little silly. With that said your point is taken re balanced coverage :)
I heard that. Thanks for listening. I’ve listened for a while and am a member, so when it becomes the Apple show for multiple episodes it’s a little overwhelming.
9 Apr 2024
@takov751:matrix.orgtakov751 I just saw this 7years old meme repo resurfacing.  https://github.com/kelseyhightower/nocode 21:10:08
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com) chrislas Aren't Lightning payments only final once the channel closes and settles on the main chain? 21:17:11
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com) So you could imagine a lightning payment might not really be final for a very long time, if the channel is open for a long while. 21:17:47
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com) Wait... Am I listening to live stuff or is it old stuff? 21:18:38
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com) Old stuff... the stream rolled into some other show. 21:20:46
In reply to @sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.com
chrislas Aren't Lightning payments only final once the channel closes and settles on the main chain?
For the channel op, but for the users they get sats right away.
10 Apr 2024
@middle-age-dev:matrix.orgmiddle-age-dev (he/him)I stream sats to Coder Radio. When I look in my Castamatic payment history, I see a lot of fractional sat amounts in the splits. Are these fractional amounts really tracked? I know, looking at my Alby wallet by other means that the streamed sats are only integer values.13:26:55
@middle-age-dev:matrix.orgmiddle-age-dev (he/him) * 13:27:21

Hmm maybe that’s just a view of it?

It is technically possible, but I don’t know of any clients doing it

12 Apr 2024
@hack13:cyberfurz.chathack13 (Old) changed their profile picture.13:59:02
14 Apr 2024
16 Apr 2024
@phpautoloader:matrix.orgphpautoloader joined the room.01:23:53
17 Apr 2024
@sohamg2:matrix.orgSohamGHey chris and mike, I just became a coderQA member this month and I wanted give the following feedback: I am a memberful member because I do not want to participate in lightning, primarily for technological reasons (I dont think its good tech fwiw) but also for socio-political reasons. I do want coder to continue/keep the lights on, though. I wish members had a way of interacting with the show in a way similar to boosts. I don't mind the use of lightning by others as long as theyre happy with it23:18:42
@sohamg2:matrix.orgSohamGPerhaps something like a Member Message (tm) or something where members can write in/get message read out once for every episode etc.23:19:23
@sohamg2:matrix.orgSohamG Forgot to tag: chrislas ^^ 23:19:48
18 Apr 2024
@dharrigan:matrix.orgdharrigan joined the room.13:39:03
In reply to @sohamg2:matrix.org
Hey chris and mike, I just became a coderQA member this month and I wanted give the following feedback: I am a memberful member because I do not want to participate in lightning, primarily for technological reasons (I dont think its good tech fwiw) but also for socio-political reasons. I do want coder to continue/keep the lights on, though. I wish members had a way of interacting with the show in a way similar to boosts. I don't mind the use of lightning by others as long as theyre happy with it

Well IDK what to tell you.

I mean that's what makes the Boosts great is you can send msgs, and the tech is built in?

tbh tagging me in here is not the solution.


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