
Coder Radio Feedback

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23 Sep 2024
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasYeah ok, I was wondering 'bout that.17:21:57
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasHmm I think I will do that ✅️17:22:11
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotSo you'll get to use the short line for going into the US and into Canada 17:22:29
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasBoy that would have been nice this last trip. I think the line was about an hour long17:22:47
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotI got it back in 2017 since I was crossings a lot for meetings and trainings17:23:18
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotYou do have to complete an interview with each country's boarder patrol to prove you don't need a work visa17:24:21
In reply to @decbot:matrix.org
You do have to complete an interview with each country's boarder patrol to prove you don't need a work visa
Once, or every time?
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasI think I saw what you are talkin about17:24:52
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasThe short line still had to stop at the booths, answer a few questions17:24:59
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotBut in your case, I think it would be fine since you're meeting your colleagues and checking on your equipment in Canada 17:25:07
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasYeah, it went smooth last time. 17:25:22
In reply to @chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.com
Once, or every time?
Once as part of application
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotI actually got my card after the US interview. The Canadians aren't too happy that I already had it for their interview 17:26:23
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbot* I actually got my card after the US interview. The Canadians weren't too happy that I already had it for their interview 17:26:57
@decbot:matrix.orgdecbotKinda like the US didn't respect Canada's sovereignty or something 17:27:37
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasHA 🤔17:27:52
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_Ehis there a Coder today?18:39:13
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_EhI keep getting a notification on Monday's for 3pm EST for the live show, I've removed the JB calendar and re-added it from the site multiple times (to try to refresh it) but I still get the Monday notifications18:40:08
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasTomorrow. Tuesday is our regular time, and we shift to Monday when necessary. 18:55:43
In reply to @ceebee_eh:matrix.org
I keep getting a notification on Monday's for 3pm EST for the live show, I've removed the JB calendar and re-added it from the site multiple times (to try to refresh it) but I still get the Monday notifications
I just checked, and we don't have any default reminder/notify settings in the Jupiter Broadcasting calendar entry for Coder.
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasI, YEARS AGO, synced my Google Cal to my Apple Cal (like before iCloud). Then when iCloud came along, it imported all that stuff, and I can't get rid of all of it to THIS day.18:57:20
Download image.png
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_Ehthis is what I see with the imported calendar18:59:17
@chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.comchrislasThat'd odd!19:00:26
Download image.png
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_Ehalthough when I go to the site, the embedded calendar does show Tuesday19:00:37
In reply to @chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.com
sent an image.
ya, exactly. I don't get why I'm always seeing Mondays
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_Ehalright, I just added it to KOrganizer directly with the URL and it's showing Tuesday now!19:03:06
@ceebee_eh:matrix.orgCeeBee_Ehyou guys don't understand that for so many months now, every Monday that notification popped up I've been searching for the show link 🤣19:03:50
25 Sep 2024
@digisho:matrix.orgDiginaut joined the room.19:43:21

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