
Geektime DevFest 2016 Lobby

64 Members
General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/ for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions.17 Servers

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20 Nov 2016
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine(Opening words are starting!)07:14:47
@idan:matrix.orgidanThank you @amandine!07:15:03
@yaron:matrix.org@yaron:matrix.org joined the room.07:20:40
@elad:matrix.org@elad:matrix.org joined the room.07:23:52
@Eliedaat:matrix.org@Eliedaat:matrix.org 07:31:12
@Eliedaat:matrix.org@Eliedaat:matrix.org 07:31:25
@eliltz:matrix.org@eliltz:matrix.org Traffic is killing me here... 07:38:15
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewnetwork or human? O:-)07:44:35
@eliltz:matrix.org@eliltz:matrix.org :-) transportation 07:45:26
* @matthew:matrix.orgMatthew is always amused at how taxi from ramat gan -> ra'anana can take anything from 15 minutes to 90 minutes07:49:10
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@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewoops, wrong room07:51:16
@Zohar:matrix.orgzohar@Browzwear (hiring) joined the room.07:58:55
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@Zohar:matrix.orgzohar@Browzwear (hiring)ima_d8b90c7.jpeg
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@dants1:matrix.orgdan@browzwear(hiding) joined the room.08:44:55
@elkorb:matrix.org@elkorb:matrix.org joined the room.09:19:32
@ddhau:matrix.orgDanielHIs the geektime wifi for us? Or just for the crew?09:33:58
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewi have a feeling it's just for the crew :S09:41:47
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewyanivf would know for sure09:41:56
@LaetitiaMyriam:matrix.org@LaetitiaMyriam:matrix.org joined the room.10:00:08
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJ Don't miss the Cisco Spark API session starting in 5 minutes! 10:52:16
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJMillion Dollar question : how does the video system see my Spark client? 😉10:53:00
@idan:matrix.orgidanSlides from my GraphQL talk are online: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_ICMN0SiUaWLJUTO3LW_1GxWOcxAXMAlkyDEypg7yXc/edit?usp=sharing10:56:54
@kfir:matrix.org@kfir:matrix.org joined the room.10:58:38
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJ Just heard that the Spark API session starts after lunch! First eat and then find out why my washing machine is talking to Spark! 11:01:22
@iseif:matrix.orgiseifאתם הולכים לשתף את כל המצגות?11:11:33
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandineWant to know more about Matrix after Matthew's talk? Come chat at the stand!11:16:11
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