
Geektime DevFest 2016 Lobby

64 Members
General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/ for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions.17 Servers

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20 Nov 2016
@shaked:matrix.org@shaked:matrix.orgIts too bad the lecturers dont stand in times. We already missed one lecture that was supposed to begin at 11:45 and still didnt start... And also now we are waiting for the 12:00 lecture....11:50:53
@yonixw:matrix.org@yonixw:matrix.orgsomeone has an updated schedule ?11:51:44
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJSpark API session is now scheduled for 15:15! DJ12:07:02
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJ set their display name to DJ.12:07:46
@gilfink:matrix.orggilfinkMy session slide deck: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/gilfink/web-components-69312973 Enjoy!12:57:46
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewlikewise, here's my slides from the Matrix.org talk :)12:58:56
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewDownload 2016-11-19 Matrix Geektime.pdf12:59:15
@ciscospark:matrix.orgDJ The Spark API session starting in 5 minutes! 13:10:20
21 Nov 2016
@78966:matrix.orgGuest 78966 joined the room.11:36:37
@79068:matrix.orgGuest 79068 joined the room.14:28:15
@ytzlax:matrix.org@ytzlax:matrix.org left the room.16:43:50
22 Nov 2016
@RacheliEbner:matrix.orgRacheliEbnerI would very much like to get Opher Vishnia's presentation about module loaders (WebPack etc). 09:02:52
23 Nov 2016
@matthew2:matrix.orgEvil Matthew changed their display name from Evil Matthew to Other Matthew.08:29:58
@78966:matrix.orgGuest 78966DanielH: 10:22:55
@78966:matrix.orgGuest 78966 10:22:58
24 Nov 2016
@85503:matrix.orgNadav joined the room.06:14:03
22 Dec 2016
@ben0001:matrix.org@ben0001:matrix.org left the room.16:30:21
28 Dec 2016
@matthew2:matrix.orgEvil Matthew changed their display name from Other Matthew to Evil Matthew.04:01:48
15 Feb 2017
@neb_giphy:matrix.orgGiphy set a profile picture.15:30:53
22 Feb 2017
@_neb_guggy:matrix.orgGuggy 17:58:19
7 Mar 2017
@indgamer:matrix.orgindygamer joined the room.19:04:29
18 Mar 2017
@indgamer:matrix.orgindygamer set a profile picture.05:16:35
@indgamer:matrix.orgindygamer changed their profile picture.05:22:50
@indgamer:matrix.orgindygamer changed their display name from indgamer to indygamer.08:48:06
20 Mar 2017
@alien:matrix.org@alien:matrix.org left the room.11:49:09
5 Apr 2017
@matthew2:matrix.orgEvil Matthew changed their display name from Evil Matthew to Other Matthew.10:21:57
12 Apr 2017
@matthew2:matrix.orgEvil Matthew changed their display name from Other Matthew to Evil Matthew.13:51:04
27 Aug 2017
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew|away.21:06:42
6 Sep 2017
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew changed their display name from Matthew|away to Matthew.07:16:54
29 Sep 2017
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew changed their profile picture.11:55:55

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