
Geektime DevFest 2016 Lobby

64 Members
General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/ for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions.17 Servers

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17 Nov 2016
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewchanged room power levels.17:44:30
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed the room topic to "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the track specific rooms for interactive sessions." from "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers!".17:45:21
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed the room topic to "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/#/home for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions." from "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the track specific rooms for interactive sessions.".17:48:04
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed the room topic to "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/ for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions." from "General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/#/home for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions.".17:48:51
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewlogo devfest 640X480.jpg
Download logo devfest 640X480.jpg
* @matthew:matrix.orgMatthew puts up a banner :)17:55:09
18 Nov 2016
@77485:matrix.orgBenjamin Gruenbaum joined the room.17:03:12
@77485:matrix.orgBenjamin GruenbaumHi17:03:15
19 Nov 2016
@bengr:matrix.orgbengr joined the room.15:10:30
@bengr:matrix.orgbengr set their display name to bengr.15:13:38
@DanNir:matrix.org@DanNir:matrix.org joined the room.15:25:40
@77962:matrix.orgGuest 77962 joined the room.15:42:50
@77962:matrix.orgGuest 77962shalom!15:42:57
* @77962:matrix.orgGuest 77962 hugs everyone15:43:02
@gilfink:matrix.orggilfink joined the room.15:43:09
@gilfink:matrix.orggilfink set their display name to gilfink.15:44:40
@gili:matrix.orgGil joined the room.15:47:00
@gili:matrix.orgGil set a profile picture.15:50:39
@gili:matrix.orgGil set their display name to Gil.15:50:50
@bengr:matrix.orgbengrיש סידור חניה למחר? לא ראיתי משהו מפורסם לגבי זה.16:06:41
@DanNir:matrix.org@DanNir:matrix.orgמצטרף לשאלה ... לא פורסם משהו על חניה16:07:57
@matankdr:matrix.org@matankdr:matrix.org joined the room.16:13:33
@ben.k:matrix.org@ben.k:matrix.org joined the room.16:26:09
@koval:matrix.orgkoval joined the room.16:27:45
@gilfink:matrix.orggilfinkיש חניונים מסביב לדוד אינטרקונטיננטל שעולים בין 15-20₪ (הכובשים לדוגמא). החניון של המלון עצמו יקר (70₪ ליום) גם עם ההנחה שאפשר לקבל בכנס.16:43:25
@deena:matrix.org@deena:matrix.org joined the room.16:52:26

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