
Geektime DevFest 2016 Lobby

67 Members
General chat for all the DevFest attendees and speakers! Check out the Geektime DevFest Riot at https://riot.im/geektime/ for the full list of track specific rooms for interactive sessions.17 Servers

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16 Jun 2020
@toto:cybre.spacetoto joined the room.16:49:40
@holger:hackerspaces.beholger 18:55:54
20 Jun 2020
@albert:matrix.kiwifarms.netalbert 21:49:22
@patrice:tomesh.net@patrice:tomesh.net 22:23:10
21 Jun 2020
@julian:chat.weho.stjulian joined the room.23:41:46
22 Jun 2020
@anne:netzgemeinde.eu@anne:netzgemeinde.eu 22:04:58
26 Jun 2020
@michail:ru-matrix.orgmichail 18:50:01
@theodor:privacytools.io@theodor:privacytools.io 18:50:59
@abhaydatta:diasp.inabhaydatta 19:27:56
3 Jul 2020
@sara:tchncs.desara 16:57:03
4 Jul 2020
@kevin:kde.orgkevin 09:22:20
7 Jul 2020
@freya5859:matrix.org@freya5859:matrix.org joined the room.16:53:34
8 Jul 2020
@freya5859:matrix.org@freya5859:matrix.org left the room.00:25:34
12 Jul 2020
@pedro:nltrix.net@pedro:nltrix.net joined the room.07:53:41
13 Jul 2020
@nikolai:sibnsk.netnikolai 23:09:05
16 Jul 2020
@dieter:matrix.allmende.iodieter 08:03:57
21 Jul 2020
@frederike:feneas.org@frederike:feneas.org 08:25:39
23 Jul 2020
@kimbo:halogen.city@kimbo:halogen.city joined the room.19:18:42
25 Jul 2020
@paul:perthchat.org@paul:perthchat.org joined the room.23:46:50
26 Jul 2020
@paul:perthchat.org@paul:perthchat.org 09:06:04
29 Jul 2020
@jonas:nitro.chatjonas joined the room.07:55:33
@daniel:riotchat.de@daniel:riotchat.de 08:12:48
30 Jul 2020
@cyril:fairydust.space@cyril:fairydust.space joined the room.22:15:11
@alonso:asra.gralonso 23:19:39
31 Jul 2020
@fannylee:poddery.comfannylee joined the room.17:58:08
@fannylee:poddery.comfannylee 18:46:06
2 Aug 2020
@tom:nerdsin.spacetom 17:29:34
8 Aug 2020
@bart:converser.eubart 09:25:02
10 Aug 2020
@toto:cybre.spacetoto 20:16:43
@penelope:server.matrix4ulm.de@penelope:server.matrix4ulm.de joined the room.20:19:27

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