
Xenharmonic music

10 Members
Microtonal or/and macrotonal music fan club. Sharing new music, ideas, papers, instruments and other stuff related to the topic. If you're not familiar with the terms please read first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenharmonic_music1 Servers

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16 Feb 2019
@unclechu-m:matrix.orgunclechu-m joined the room.14:38:12
17 Feb 2019
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuthis author has more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7eYcNH1pOy2ZN3VNTxr2ow/videos19:16:57
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu that author writes his xenharmonic music in modern tracker sequencer called SunVox which written by a programmer from Russia (there's GNU/Linux version, but it's proprietary):
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu another cool techy piece of xenharmonic work:
composed using PureData which is open source visual programming language specified on DSP but not limited. very cool thing! you could do a lot of stuff with it such as converting some analized data from webcam (see reacTIVision) to some MIDI signals which you could commutate to some synth or modulator FX or just directly affect some parameters of your own built synth inside PureData "patch".
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu with PureData you could read keyboard/mouse events, joysticks and a lot of other stuff and just convert it to MIDI signals, just imagine how much interaction you could make of it 19:29:42
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechui was personally experimenting with it, building some DSP for my guitar processing set, see: https://mastodon.social/@unclechu/9978943241383211319:31:07
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu some other people use PureData to mix some videos to produce a musical video clip:
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu41EDO guitar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGLo8kBuMD019:36:34
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuand about the theory behind 41EDO scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHiC5_weMLc19:39:39
19 Feb 2019

Brendan Byrnes

Room Tapes

The whole EP just released today.

@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuAnounce of that ☝ EP on my mastodon page: https://mastodon.social/@unclechu/10161822507637042110:31:16
In reply to @cyberwolf:tchncs.de
Is this somehow related to xenharmonic music? I don't see how, nothing mentioned about that and after listening 2 minutes I just heard only 12EDO scale. There's a lot of music worth listeing to but here we are focusing on xenhamonic music only, which isn't 12EDO while natural JI 12-tone scale is acceptable.
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu P.S. "JI" is for "Just Intonation". Which means octave divided by non-equal intervals. 11:27:48
* @unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu thinks we could collect xenharmonic music database and write a matrix bot which will post one random item (video, album, etc.) per day or something like that) without duplicated until whole list will be traversed 🙂12:29:47
23 Feb 2019
@angelbeastster:matrix.organgelbeastster joined the room.16:31:20

Elaine Walker

Also known as ZIA

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Official description from the Bandcamp page

Elaine Walker is an electronic musician and renowned microtonal music composer. She is also the author of a non-fiction physics/philosophy book, Matter Over Mind: Cosmos, Chaos, and Curiosity. She has regularly volunteered for the NewSpace community, promoting the idea of humans living in space. She is a proponent of longevity and a member of the cryonics organization, Alcor.

She is very popular in modern xenharmonic music world, writes xenharmonic music in many different scales including Bohlen-Pierce, builds her own synths, physically.

Some albums










25 Feb 2019
@cyberwolf:tchncs.de@cyberwolf:tchncs.de left the room.12:33:30
26 Feb 2019
@fillotassi:matrix.orgφ joined the room.21:54:24

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