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19 Nov 2020
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI guess we both use words a little strangely sometimes.04:10:31
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Pity can deprive dignity, so inspiring pity can use other's to diminish one's own ego.04:11:18
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITYes, that's how the word "pathetic" gained its ironical sense.04:12:25
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Pity can deprive dignity, so inspiring pity can use others to diminish one's own ego.04:12:43
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITWhich then completely supplanted the basic sense.04:13:28
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITIt's pathetic when words die, don't you think?04:13:50
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I want to dedicate the room to incontrovertible proofs about the machinery of the world.04:16:14
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Have you any Julian Assage fans in your social circle, dear V1V1T?04:17:00
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Have you any Julian Assange fans in your social circle, dear V1V1T?04:17:20
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI can think of one or two people who might be. I've never asked them, though.04:18:17
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥When I finish archiving Cicada 3301, will you please 🐭 attempt my adapted version?04:22:27
* @eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 begs cutely.04:22:51
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITPerhaps I shall, little one. If it catches my interest.04:24:06
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Mi promesu ke tio interesos multe.04:50:45
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Mi volu ke tio interesos multe.04:51:00
17 Dec 2020
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT changed their profile picture.01:21:23
24 Dec 2021
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed their profile picture.10:35:44
15 Jan 2022
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed their profile picture.18:26:54
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.19:04:16
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.19:04:17
2 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.06:04:40
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.06:04:41
27 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.20:01:58
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.20:02:01
13 Sep 2022
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed their display name from eaterjolly to Cur__固嚛呐.18:37:52
17 Sep 2022
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed their display name from Cur__固嚛呐 to Cur_固嚛呐.02:53:12
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed their display name from Cur_固嚛呐 to Cur_固嚛訥.03:18:17

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