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11 Oct 2024
@sauceee:matrix.org@sauceee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:56:27
@sauceee:matrix.org@sauceee:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:57:11
@webknjaz:matrix.org@webknjaz banned @sauceee:matrix.org@sauceee:matrix.org (Spam).10:57:18
12 Oct 2024
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)Hey folks , please help me out if you can with the issue i am facing as mentioned in previous messages https://matrix.to/#/!iWusolgBmhtSRRYDov:gitter.im/$NUpbPx_tpmTIqBQKUSd3iSGADTsg6_NvqZoJSJxY9Uw?via=gitter.im&via=matrix.org&via=sambull.org08:54:00
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm) dhillonr (Rohit Dhillon): this should not happen very often (if it does, you have a deployment issue), but we just log this event and move on 12:50:25
14 Oct 2024
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon) agronholm (Alex Grönholm): thank you for your insights. 04:33:30
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)Now i am wondering what would be the issue with the deployment ?04:45:40
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)If you can share some potential issue that would be really helpful.04:46:22
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)are you messing with the partition counts?09:02:26
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)or varying the number of members in that consumer group?09:02:57
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)I can't think of anything else that would cause constant rebalances09:03:15
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)if a rebalance happens then some offsets just need to be reprocessed, not a big deal, but as I said, it shouldn't happen frequently09:03:56
15 Oct 2024
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)The issue is not rebalancing , the issue is after rebalancing the commits fail errors appear. Seems like the rebalancing is happening in the middle of the poll calls or somehow the commit calls don't finish on time even though i await them before next poll call.02:56:37
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)I have chosen a wide enough (session.timeout.ms) and max.poll.interval.ms. It only happens on rebalances when a new consumer joins/leaves group.02:59:01
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)Not messing with partition counts. The number of members are expected to increase/decrease if a spot node restarts in kubernetes.03:08:36
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)yeah but my point was, how often do you add or remove consumers from the group? ignoring commit failures on rebalances is fine, so long as you simply reprocess the data07:23:45
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)its not that frequent. usually once a day07:46:59
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon)when the spot node restarts 07:49:08
16 Oct 2024
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)then I'd say there is nothing to worry, assuming that your processing code is idempotent07:52:01
@agronholm-58ef83f0d73408ce4f5824c3:gitter.imagronholm (Alex Grönholm)just ignore the commit failures and resume processing07:52:11
@dhillonr-5df72a46d73408ce4fd42d7c:gitter.imdhillonr (Rohit Dhillon) thanks a lot agronholm (Alex Grönholm) 09:14:32
17 Oct 2024
@webknjaz:matrix.org@webknjaz 📢 PSA: @bdraco:matrix.org, @sam:sambull.org and I are going to be running an aiohttp sprint @ https://www.man.com/london-hackathon-2024. So if anybody here is based in London, feel free to join on Nov 9! 09:05:38
18 Dec 2020
@gitter-badger:gitter.imgitter-badger (The Gitter Badger) changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".04:38:06
21 Dec 2020
@mastersergius-5fe0b13cd73408ce4ff70e24:gitter.imMasterSergius (Serhii Buniak) joined the room.14:48:15
@mastersergius-5fe0b13cd73408ce4ff70e24:gitter.imMasterSergius (Serhii Buniak) Hi Team. I used CacheControl (https://pypi.org/project/CacheControl/) together with python requests library. It automatically parses cache-control header and use it to configure cache. Now I need to rewrite whole module to make it asynchronous, but can't find anything similar for aiohttp. I've found this one https://github.com/JWCook/aiohttp-client-cache, but it is very raw (0.1.2 ) and I still need to do something with header 'cache-control'. I've started my own project today - https://github.com/MasterSergius/acachecontrol
Could you please, point me to what I can inherit/use in your project? Some tips and tricks?
25 Dec 2020
@tensortom-56119412d33f749381a84276:gitter.imTensorTom (TensorTom) joined the room.05:48:30
@tensortom-56119412d33f749381a84276:gitter.imTensorTom (TensorTom) How stable is aiohttp:latest compared to stable releases, generally? 05:48:30
@tensortom-56119412d33f749381a84276:gitter.imTensorTom (TensorTom) I'm also wondering, the docs say that "latest" is 4.0.0a1 but I don't see any branch for that. Is it just the master? 05:50:23
29 Dec 2020
@davidmcnabnz-5feabb1ad73408ce4ff791c2:gitter.imdavidmcnabnz (David McNab) joined the room.05:15:48
@davidmcnabnz-5feabb1ad73408ce4ff791c2:gitter.imdavidmcnabnz (David McNab) hi - can anyone recommend an efficient asyncio-compatible graph db package, with OGM, and zero java requirement? 05:15:48

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