
Matrix Twilio Bridge (SMS)

106 Members
Text your friends from matrix using Twilio| https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio47 Servers

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31 Aug 2017
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&Adamgood to know15:07:06
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe phone numbers are just like regular phone numbers, so you can make calls, texts, etc just like a regular phone number. Twilio just provides an API to manage and operate that phone number. You might have to write some code to get it to work with a softphone though15:06:55
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&AdamVery cool. Again, thanks for working on this. I'll be setting an instance up on my server as soon as I get time.15:08:15
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&Adambest option I've evaluated yet for switching away from using my work phone number for personal use.15:08:42
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRIt's on my weekend list of things to do as well. Mostly because everything else I'm working on is just frustrating :p15:08:51
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&AdamJust glancing through the twilio documentation, it looks like the api has support for webrtc built in, so bridging voice/video might not be as difficult as you were thinking.15:11:43
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRWHAT. They support video too?15:11:56
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR!github create "Proxy video calls" "If possible, https://www.twilio.com/video"15:12:10
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubCreated issue: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/2315:12:11
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live opened issue #23: Proxy video calls [open] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/23 15:12:12
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRIt looks like their web rtc handling is for building web rtc apps on their infrastructure22:41:42
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRie: building matrix on twilio, not using twilio to call someone22:41:52
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRactually it should work, depending on how the matrix side works22:45:29
1 Sep 2017
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&Adam Looks like their phone-call voice handling can also go through webrtc, though. So that should make voice-bridging easeir at lest. 01:39:33
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRPossibly, although it's a higher cost01:57:11
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI'll take a look eventually. Voice calls are a v1.1.0 anyways01:58:01
3 Sep 2017
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live pushed to master: Remove greenkeeper - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/commit/94dd36f2744212181692705e5a0ecb678791296a 05:09:33
7 Sep 2017
@alphakamp:kamp.sitealphakamp joined the room.05:04:32
13 Sep 2017
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live pushed to master: Use number routing to identify where messages should go This needs some work still. It's confusing to use in-code, and there's 3 classifications for a phone number. It does however lay the groundwork for MUC and fixes #11 and #20. Invites are still accepted, but messages won't do anything. - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/commit/f8fdc53934d9663d36fbe5093effd3455aa6aea8 04:33:46
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live closed issue #11: Don't blindly accept invites unless the user is on the allowed list [closed] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/11 04:33:46
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live closed issue #20: Route messages received on owner's phone number to the owner, not everywhere [closed] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/20 04:34:14
14 Sep 2017
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live opened issue #24: Update cache when room members change [open] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/24 03:19:57
18 Sep 2017
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live closed issue #19: Configuration option to disable MUC support [closed] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/19 02:44:59
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] web-flow pushed to master: Update MUC.md - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/commit/1b684d8ba94c33300eb91e28c0ccf625a59e733b 02:46:20
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live edited issue #18: Phone number picker (for MUC) [open] - https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/issues/18 02:47:49
@_neb_github_=40travis=3at2l.io:matrix.orgGithub [@travis:t2l.io] [turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio] turt2live pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/commit/6d222ef5db8cc5ee6ceddd284d7b4a964b5eb60e
turt2live: Simplify phone number cache to be more useful Gone are the days of 3 types of numbers and complex caching techniques.
turt2live: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
turt2live: Bridge endpoints for creating direct chats
turt2live: Add example for searching for phone numbers
19 Sep 2017
@morph:matrix.mrvn.eu@morph:matrix.mrvn.eu joined the room.23:34:56
24 Sep 2017
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz&Adam changed their profile picture.16:57:40
@morph:matrix.mrvn.eu@morph:matrix.mrvn.eu left the room.19:26:58

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