
Matrix Twilio Bridge (SMS)

100 Members
Text your friends from matrix using Twilio| https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio | Road to v1: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/milestone/143 Servers

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28 Jan 2019
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThat's normal19:40:10
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyI was able to get ECONNRESET instead of ECONNREFUSED at one point if that gives any clues as to what I should do...19:41:22
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR Port 8008 is generally unencrypted, so you'll probably want http:// instead of https:// if you're using :8008 19:42:05
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyWhy does it reference port 8008 when I'm setting it up with port 9000 as your instructions detail?19:43:11
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR https://matrix.arsmoriendi.club:8008 is what your homeserverUrl would be set as 19:43:34
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRso that option needs some fixing19:43:57
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyI have found that when I include app_service_config_files: ["appservice-registration-twilio.yaml"] in my homeserver.yaml, I'm unable to start/restart my matrix-synapse.service. Clearly that shouldn't be happening. Any idea what I should look at to troubleshoot this?20:55:43
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe logs would be a good start - it doesn't refuse to restart without complaining loudly. My best guess would be tabs instead of spaces or otherwise invalid formatting in the homeserver.yaml21:00:39
29 Jan 2019
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtony 00:24:13
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyThink I'm close! Any idea why I'm stalled for a long time at: "info [TwilioBridge] Updating avatar for bridge bot"00:27:00
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI don't think it prints a message like "Update successful", so it might actually be running01:54:47
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtony 02:48:55
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtony 03:02:12
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyWhen trying to send a message to a phone number, the log shows:03:08:51
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonysynapse.handlers.message - 302 - INFO - POST-507- Failed to get profile information for @_twilio_1XXXXXXXXXX:matrix.arsmoriendi.club: 404: Profile was not found03:09:18
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyerror [matrix-appservice-bridge] [-] POST http://matrix.arsmoriendi.club:8008/_matrix/client/r0/join/!xqbSXYGVnPPmsAoaic%3Amatrix.arsmoriendi.club (@_twilio_1XXXXXXXXXX:matrix.arsmoriendi.club) HTTP 403 Error: "{"errcode":"M_FORBIDDEN","error":"Application service has not registered this user"}"03:11:32
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtony^^And that was from the terminal output03:11:44
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRNeither of those errors are particularly surprising, but shouldn't stop it from working03:13:52
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyOh, okay. I didn't get a message to go through, so I was looking for a problem and I thought that looked like one.03:17:24
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR:( it's a problem if it doesn't do anything about it, but the errors themselves are somewhat normal03:18:14
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI guess try re-inviting the user or sending the message?03:18:25
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtony Should the phone number user show itself as joined if it's working? 03:19:19
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR(this might also be the part where it just doesn't work anymore)03:20:53
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyToo bad if it doesn't work anymore. I've just started using matrix, and I'm new to twilio too, but it sure seems like being able to bridge the two would open up a lot of possiblities.03:22:49
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI used to use it on a daily basis but ran out of time to be able to develop it :(03:23:34
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRit's stuck at about item no. 5 for projects of mine to refresh, unfortunately03:24:10
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyI'm looking forward to purism's librem 5 phone, so I'm trying to figure out how all this stuff works, and this project of yours seemed like a big step toward being able to ditch my cell service provider. I'll keep my eye on it for sure.03:26:13
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThat's certainly the goal of the project, so glad you're at least here for that :)03:26:51
@tony:matrix.arsmoriendi.clubtonyIf I use a web browser to go to the url: https://your.server.com/api/v1/twilio/{secret}/sms should it show a 404 not found error?04:15:14

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