
Matrix Twilio Bridge (SMS)

100 Members
Text your friends from matrix using Twilio| https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio | Road to v1: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/milestone/143 Servers

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21 Feb 2019

unfortually after configuring everything was ok, I restarted the appservice and now I have the following error :

2/21/2019 6:03:17 PMFeb-21-2019 12:33:17.994 +00:00 error [matrix-appservice-bridge] [-] POST https://matrix.thomas.sh/_matrix/client/r0/register (AS) HTTP 400 Error: {"errcode":"M_USER_IN_USE","error":"User ID already taken."}

@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklIs it trying to register the appservice user on each start ?12:36:27
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklRedacted or Malformed Event14:17:05

Full log :

2/21/2019 7:39:35 PMLoading config file /usr/src/app/config/config.yaml
2/21/2019 7:39:35 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:35.471 +00:00 info [index] Preparing database...
2/21/2019 7:39:35 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:35.474 +00:00 info [TwilioStore] Running migrations
2/21/2019 7:39:35 PM[INFO] No migrations to run
2/21/2019 7:39:35 PM[INFO] Done
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.046 +00:00 info [index] Preparing bridge...
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.052 +00:00 info [TwilioBridge] Constructing bridge
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.055 +00:00 info [TwilioBridge] Starting bridge
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.158 +00:00 info [PhoneNumberCache] Setting +XXX to be a user number owned by @ghjkl:matrix.thomas.sh
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.161 +00:00 info [TwilioBridge] Updating appearance of bridge bot
2/21/2019 7:39:36 PMFeb-21-2019 14:09:36.416 +00:00 error [matrix-appservice-bridge] [-] POST https://matrix.thomas.sh/_matrix/client/r0/register (AS) HTTP 400 Error: {"errcode":"M_USER_IN_USE","error":"User ID already taken."}
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR Yes, that's normal and nothing to worry about 14:37:51
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklOk yes indeed...15:43:26
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklWorking like a charm :-)15:43:41
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRSomewhere, yes.22:17:27
22 Feb 2019
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl What would it need to implement voip for 1 to 1 call? I wouldn't mind working on it 10:48:31
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklTwilio support webrtc but I have no clues about the matrix part?10:48:53
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl I'll do some research tonight how to implement and post the infos for discussion on the related github issue 10:49:33
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR Webrtc on the matrix side as well. When I last talked to their support engineers they said something about sip gateways, and I'm not sure if I believe them 15:02:02
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl Yes it make sense... Twilio > Sip Webrtc 15:34:45
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl Sip > webrtc 15:35:00
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl Didn't found much red sources on how to implement the connection with matrix... All what I found are plugins for in browser usage 15:37:55
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjkl https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-vr-demo 15:39:04
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklHere is a good real world example of implementation of webrtc with matrix but a bit complex15:39:29
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklOk So apparently their is no need to go trought webrtc protocol as turn support SIP ?16:45:06
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRnot sure tbh. I haven't looked into it much farther than it being possible16:45:37
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRIn theory, it is possible16:45:42
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklHow would it be possible, "in theory" ? from your understanding how would it need to be implemented (roughly)16:46:49
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklI don't have any idea how matrix implement voip via turn (i dont even know TURN..) will dome research and try a POC16:47:36
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRBasically just filling in the gaps for this: https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html#voice-over-ip16:48:11
@ghjkl:matrix.thomas.shthomas-ghjklOn the SIP side... But yes would be easier if twilio handle Webrtc directly17:03:19
12 Mar 2019
@anomie:disroot.org@anomie:disroot.org invited @anomie:matrix.organomie.03:24:46
@anomie:matrix.organomie joined the room.03:24:55
@anomie:disroot.org@anomie:disroot.org left the room.03:47:22
18 Mar 2019
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz left the room.02:15:16
2 Apr 2019
@d14na:matrix.0net.ioDiana Queen joined the room.11:45:55

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