
Matrix Twilio Bridge (SMS)

100 Members
Text your friends from matrix using Twilio| https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio | Road to v1:Β https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/milestone/143 Servers

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2 Apr 2019
@zeratax:dmnd.sh@zeratax:dmnd.sh changed their display name from Zeratax?utf8=βœ“ to ZerataX.12:44:29
7 Apr 2019
@timori:feneas.org@timori:feneas.org joined the room.15:39:21
13 Apr 2019
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.org@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.org changed their display name from MilkManzJourDaddy [99-Problems/AπŸ“ŒπŸš/Falayalaralfali] πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ Castigare troglodytam. Malleo pugnae aviditate. πŸŒŠπŸ‘‹πŸ™‹\o πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ ZFG πŸ™Œ ℒ¦¢␍ β†΅β€β†˜β†¦: to MMJD-MxO.12:24:57
14 Apr 2019
@joshua.kelly:matrix.orgcryptomanman joined the room.16:48:43
21 Apr 2019
@jozef.macko:matrix.org@jozef.macko:matrix.org joined the room.19:49:57
@jozef.macko:matrix.org@jozef.macko:matrix.org left the room.19:55:47
26 Apr 2019
@joshzz:matrix.orgjoshzz joined the room.20:07:25
@joshzz:matrix.orgjoshzz changed their display name from cryptomanman to joshzz.20:18:37
30 Apr 2019
@JigmeDatse:openpsychology.netJigmeDatse (OPP) changed their profile picture.17:45:26
6 May 2019
@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org joined the room.00:44:49
26 May 2019
@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org invited @dinkusthestinkus:librem.oneDinkus.20:08:49
@dinkusthestinkus:librem.oneDinkus joined the room.20:10:10
@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org@dinkus_the_stinkus:matrix.org left the room.20:28:28
28 May 2019
@nwarburton:matrix.orgNathaniel set a profile picture.05:44:21
4 Jun 2019
@zacklocx:matrix.org@zacklocx:matrix.org left the room.14:12:03
22 Jun 2019
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.io left the room.19:43:22
25 Jul 2019
@astral_tarantoga:matrix.orgastral_tarantoga joined the room.10:27:42
@astral_tarantoga:matrix.orgastral_tarantoga invited @nmt:matrix.orgnmt.10:30:57
6 Aug 2019
@directory:t2bot.ioRoom Directory (t2bot.io) joined the room.01:02:43
@bobfett:flobob.ovh@bobfett:flobob.ovh joined the room.06:38:07
9 Aug 2019
@nde:matrix.orgnde joined the room.02:23:47
18 Aug 2019
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinux joined the room.21:32:10
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinuxhello everyone21:32:17
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinuxhow can i get started by integrating twilio into riot?21:32:39
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinuxIm having a complete nightmare to get twilio working with rocket.chat21:33:04
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRUnfortunately it's not very well integrated in Matrix yet either. There is this bridge, however the bridge is largely untested. Some have reported that it does work okay for their purposes though21:33:41
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinuxis there any step by step tutorial for receiving and sending SMS twilio with Riot?21:33:43
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRNo, there is not a guide.21:34:21
@rajhlinux:matrix.orgrajhlinuxyes i saw the bridge on git hub, and have no idea how to get it working...21:34:36
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe first step is to be running your own personal homeserver21:34:59

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