
Matrix Twilio Bridge (SMS)

100 Members
Text your friends from matrix using Twilio| https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio | Road to v1: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-appservice-twilio/milestone/143 Servers

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29 Jun 2020
@jurij:ru-matrix.orgjurij 23:11:09
30 Jun 2020
@zeratax:dmnd.sh@zeratax:dmnd.sh changed their display name from ZerataX to zeratax.23:08:53
2 Jul 2020
@tom:halogen.city@tom:halogen.city joined the room.08:10:48
@johannes:netzgemeinde.eu@johannes:netzgemeinde.eu 21:58:30
@hanna:hackerspaces.be@hanna:hackerspaces.be 22:58:13
3 Jul 2020
@rodolfomaria:matrix.orgrodolfomaria 16:36:40
7 Jul 2020
@katherine340:matrix.org@katherine340:matrix.org joined the room.17:54:38
8 Jul 2020
@stefan:matrix.allmende.iostefan 18:51:42
@katherine340:matrix.org@katherine340:matrix.org left the room.00:22:24
9 Jul 2020
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10 joined the room.21:48:23
@einar:feneas.org@einar:feneas.org 21:48:58
12 Jul 2020
@nini:lokal.socialnini joined the room.07:50:41
14 Jul 2020
@taneja:diasp.intaneja 19:07:31
19 Jul 2020
@viper691:matrix.org@viper691:matrix.org joined the room.00:48:04
@viper691:matrix.org@viper691:matrix.org left the room.00:50:47
20 Jul 2020
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10Does this project still work? I saw that it didn't look very maintained on github17:31:37
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10I'm not sure how much the matrix spec has changed in 3 years though17:31:48
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThe spec changing is less of a concern. The project itself has been incomplete for years.17:40:37
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10How incomplete?17:40:48
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10If I wanted to fork this to create a version that worked with twilio what would I have to do17:41:05
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRWould not recommend using levels of incomplete.17:41:11
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10 * If I wanted to fork this to create a version that worked with flowroute what would I have to do17:41:16
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10Do you think it would be easier to start from scratch then?17:41:36
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR I'd recommend taking a look at #twilio:maunium.net instead as it might be more suited for your use case. 17:42:54
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10Sadly the docs for that project is nonexistant17:43:08
  • no comments in the code
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10 * and no comments in the code17:43:21
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRThis particular project is so dead that I can't even begin to describe how much it shouldn't be used for anything, even a fork17:43:21
@qwetboy10:matrix.orgqwetboy10Guess I'll start from scratch then17:43:34
21 Jul 2020
@karol:synod.im@karol:synod.im joined the room.21:20:15

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