
ThinkPrivacy Discussion

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24 Jan 2020
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:04:51
@valynor:matrix.orgValynorI would use Signal if only they would offer a web version (that works in a browser tab)15:04:57
In reply to @arel:matrix.org
No sorry, I mean as a more SMS replacement.
Ah correct.
Let me repost/cross post what I wrote in another room about Signal. Something that worries me for some time. It's a bit long sorry.

Cross Posting from another Room

Hi All, I joined some days ago.
I joined here because I'm looking to have the attention to an issue that bothers me since a long time. Actually reading your posts above from yesterday, my issue fits perfectly into. Pls let me explain
I use Signal and Wire very intense. I like both. I'm a cautious person due to some horrific happenings to my life over the past three decades. Secure applications like Signal and Wire it's like a river - all is in the flow and you never know how that app looks like tomorrow. What I'm worried about is Wire. Yes, they made the move to Switzerland - but honest that doesn't calm me down. Especially when you follow their security policies. I have a silent prediction that "Switzerland could try to infiltrate Wire and work silently on creating some sore of access - what ever that will be!". Why I believe so? That is my story of my past three decades.

But Signal has currently my higher attention. I usually tell people when I hand out my mobile number to install Signal in oeder to communicate with me. A lot do so, BUT - here it comes - I have lost contact over Signal with most of the connections. That happen over a very short time span of only a couple of months. Even with some I communicated nearly 2 years with Signal and then suddenly it started that contacts could not be reached anymore.
Some of those lost I asked when we met in person if they got my Signal message, and got very unusual answers. about 2 said, iOS de-installed the app automatically (what I sure don't believe), others said it stopped working (could be with Signal when you don't update). But if someone has autoupdate, why does it not update Signal?

I can't talk for all, but I just have a bad feeling that "it seems someone figured out how to disrupt communication between Signal users!"

Let bring in what is in my mind. Please don't be cross with me in case you think I'm to much paranoid - we all are some sort otherwise we wouldn't use secure apps.
Anyway, I think Signal and Wire both are good today and see advantages and disadvantages in both. In fact one was mentiones above already - the ID issue. Yes, Signals 2 weaknesses are; if an attacker knows your (or the other persons) mobile number, that can be used to disrupt communication between the two. The second disadvantage of Signal is, that it would stop working when it's not updated. I consider those two points very disturbing. Oh hold on, there is a third one, when I give up my mobile number for what ever reason, my signal gets useless. The good point is, Signal is very easy to get started with.
Wire's approach is sligtly different. You have to first create an account (that takes some more time). The good part is you can use either a mobile number or eMail. When you have a burner mobile number that's fine for me. By creating an account you get a "Wire ID" that is cool as you then can move around and be reachable anywhere. The downside of that is, it's stored on a server. And you and me and we have no idea what on that server can be done.

I would apreciate when Signal is giving the option in having a "Signal ID" and at the same time not store it on a server. Signal should have a good look at "RetroShare" a secure application that is p2p based (like Skype in the early stages). Such a setting would make me feel Zen. And I'm really sure that this would be really secure for a long time.

Please let me know what you think of my experience and thoughts (my 2c) I wrote down here. Thanks

24 Feb 2020
@vra:matrix.orgvra changed their profile picture.00:38:01
3 Mar 2020
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor left the room.23:53:53
24 Mar 2020
@jacksparrow32:matrix.orgjacksparrow32 joined the room.07:58:02
25 Mar 2020
@philrw:matrix.rosenberg-watt.comPhilRW changed their display name from PhilRW to PhilRW🇺🇲.02:33:31
@philrw:matrix.rosenberg-watt.comPhilRW changed their display name from PhilRW🇺🇲 to PhilRW.02:35:40
16 Apr 2020
@danny3554:matrix.orgdanny3554 joined the room.16:32:09
21 Apr 2020
@NealJayu:matrix.orgNeal Jayu changed their profile picture.04:01:31
@dimm:matrix.nrp-nautilus.iodimm joined the room.06:41:45
26 Apr 2020
@dimm:matrix.nrp-nautilus.iodimm changed their profile picture.06:08:23
2 May 2020
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett left the room.10:46:29
15 May 2020
@nitrohorse:privacytools.ionitrohorse changed their profile picture.05:42:35
29 May 2020
@alex:monkeydiesel.netAlex changed their profile picture.11:10:36
4 Jun 2020
@dasprive:matrix.orgdasprive joined the room.09:14:54
@dasprive:matrix.orgdasprive left the room.09:16:48
@jfranco:matrix.orgJose Franco changed their display name from jfranco to Jose Franco.23:03:15
27 Jun 2020
@ponytails:matrix.orgponytails joined the room.04:42:47
7 Jul 2020
@rowan6086:matrix.orgrowan6086 joined the room.16:38:12
8 Jul 2020
@rowan6086:matrix.orgrowan6086 left the room.00:51:14
@cis-6c16631:centralintelligence.systemscis-6c16631 joined the room.04:34:28
9 Jul 2020
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:25:56
16 Jul 2020
@slondrex:matrix.orgslondr (Old) changed their display name from slondr to slondr (Old).00:20:16
@slondrex:matrix.orgslondr (Old) invited @slondr:privacytools.ioslondr.00:24:30
@slondr:privacytools.ioslondr joined the room.00:24:40
@slondr:privacytools.ioslondr set a profile picture.01:00:40
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:04:19
@slondr:privacytools.ioslondr Riot wasn't a great name, but Element is super generic 01:06:09

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