
ThinkPrivacy Discussion

20 Members
General discussion for ThinkPrivacy.io4 Servers

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23 Nov 2019
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.org set the history visibility to "world_readable".17:12:57
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) joined the room.18:43:15
@alex:monkeydiesel.net@alex:monkeydiesel.net joined the room.19:53:10
@philrw:matrix.rosenberg-watt.comPhilRW joined the room.20:01:46
@jryans:matrix.org@jryans:matrix.org joined the room.20:02:28
@bobfett:flobob.ovh@bobfett:flobob.ovh joined the room.20:10:38
@jfranco:matrix.org@jfranco:matrix.org joined the room.20:34:34
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:37:26
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) So you've joined PrivacyTools, right? 21:01:01
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:02:31
@shurpremoh:matrix.org@shurpremoh:matrix.org joined the room.21:21:52
@andrew_chou:matrix.org@andrew_chou:matrix.org joined the room.21:32:46
@andrew_chou:matrix.org@andrew_chou:matrix.org changed their display name from andrew_chou to Andrew Chou.21:34:19
@sudowiz:matrix.org@sudowiz:matrix.org joined the room.21:57:05
@nitrohorse:privacytools.ionitrohorse joined the room.21:57:23
@sudowiz:matrix.org@sudowiz:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:59:07
@nitrohorse:privacytools.ionitrohorse Hello! 👋🏼 22:01:25
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:16:04
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:39:27
24 Nov 2019
@NealJayu:matrix.org@NealJayu:matrix.org joined the room.01:38:50
Em resposta a@arel:matrix.org
E2EE is a pain in open rooms like this. Matrix will ask you to verify the keys of everyone in the room, and other messages that hinder the user experience, and really for no good reason because this is an open room so E2EE serves no real purpose, the fact it’s open to anyone removes all “privacy” from it.
This is no longer the UX with RiotX, so while I agree it was a pain, it will soon be a non-issue.
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:44:32
@mj:nltrix.net@mj:nltrix.net joined the room.08:55:42
25 Nov 2019
@jonathande:matrix.orgjonathande joined the room.20:47:45
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:48:35
27 Nov 2019
@mj:nltrix.net@mj:nltrix.net left the room.09:30:42
28 Nov 2019
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:56:43
@sudowiz:matrix.org@sudowiz:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:59:37

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