
ThinkPrivacy Discussion

33 Members
General discussion for ThinkPrivacy.io8 Servers

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7 Jan 2020
@mr.blabla:matrix.org@mr.blabla:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:38:30
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:40:45
@mr.blabla:matrix.org@mr.blabla:matrix.org left the room.16:53:36
8 Jan 2020
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor joined the room.14:40:07
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor Dan Arel: Hey Dan, thanks for your "Cutting the Wire" article. Heard bad things about Wire before but your article made me ditch Wire and so I ended up here. ;-) 14:42:39
15 Jan 2020
@memdrive:matrix.orgmemdrive joined the room.15:50:15
@memdrive:matrix.orgmemdrive set a profile picture.15:52:25
16 Jan 2020
@theodorechu:matrix.orgTheodore joined the room.07:37:58
21 Jan 2020

“We’re happy to be the first VPN provider to open source apps on all platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS) and undergo an independent security audit. Transparency, ethics, and security are at the core of the Internet we want to build and the reason why we built ProtonVPN in the first place.”


@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:55:01
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:56:13
22 Jan 2020
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) changed their display name from PopeRigby to PopeRigby (Old).05:57:18
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) invited @poperigby:feneas.orgPopeRigby.06:40:49
@poperigby:feneas.orgPopeRigby joined the room.14:53:38
23 Jan 2020
@theodorechu:matrix.orgTheodore Yeah it is exciting. I wonder why Mullvad doesn’t have an iOS and Android app; I haven’t looked into it much 10:19:13
@theodorechu:matrix.orgTheodore How do you get the progress bar on the top of thinkprivacy.io @Dan Arel?
I like the new site. Did you custom code the theme or is it a publishing platform like Ghost?
@theodorechu:matrix.orgTheodore * Dan Arel: How do you get the progress bar on the top of thinkprivacy.io?
I like the new site. Did you custom code the theme or is it a publishing platform like Ghost?
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:57:52
24 Jan 2020
@vra:matrix.orgvra joined the room.10:39:11
@vra:matrix.orgvraHi folks, became aware of your room through your website and an article I've just read https://www.thinkprivacy.io/cutting-the-wire10:40:40
@vra:matrix.orgvraThis article on "Wire" is shoking indeed. Whould not have imagined this to happen. Isn't this the same path Skype has gone in the 1990s? And today Skype can only live within Microsoft and without any security. Go figure10:43:12
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor vra: that article made me switch to riot a couple weeks ago, too :) 13:31:03
In reply to @valynor:matrix.org
vra: that article made me switch to riot a couple weeks ago, too :)
I think it's a bit different in usage.
Wire is more like an SMS tool (such as Signal). But Riot.im is more a sort of collaboration tool.
From that perspective, I feel Riot would be more like an overkill for certain online talks.
Just my 2c - I like to hear other views.
In reply to @valynor:matrix.org
vra: that article made me switch to riot a couple weeks ago, too :)

I think it's a bit different in usage.
Wire is more like an SMS tool (such as Signal). But Riot.im is more a sort of collaboration tool.
From that perspective, I feel Riot would be more like an overkill for certain online talks.
Just my 2c - I like to hear other views.

But I agree, it's a shocking revelation

@valynor:matrix.orgValynor vra: wire was certainly more polished and easier to use for a beginner, but what's that worth if the sell out like that .. 15:01:34
@arel:matrix.org@arel:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:02:45
@vra:matrix.orgvraAbsolutely agree. As I wrote above, it seems they take the path of Skype. I don't agree in terms of usage when you compare to Signal.15:03:02
@vra:matrix.orgvra * Absolutely agree. As I wrote above, it seems they take the path of Skype. It was destructive. I don't agree in terms of usage when you compare to Signal.15:03:32
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor * vra: wire was certainly more polished and easier to use for a beginner, but what's that worth if they sell out like that .. 15:03:53
@vra:matrix.orgvra Dan Arel: You mean the same direction as Wire? 15:04:20

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