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29 Mar 2024
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid SutherlandThis is fairly urgent, as researchers (and ops parallel testing), will not be able to trigger of production/oper workflows 12:14:30
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherland * raised against master as this is meant to be close to release (?) .. but can change 12:15:35
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherland *

small functional test included, which just runs this:

    title = "Checks task state of alternate run dir"
    UTC mode = True
      inactivity timeout = PT1M
      abort on inactivity timeout = True
    initial cycle point = 20240101T00
        up_dir_foo = workflow_state(\
            workflow=other-run-dir, \
            task=foo, \
            point=20240101T0000Z, \
            cylc_run_dir=~/cylc-run-other-test \
        R1 = """
@up_dir_foo => bar
        script = """
mkdir -pv ~/cylc-run-other-test
cd ~/cylc-run-other-test
echo 'Current directory:'
echo 'Creating link to original run dir:'
ln -sfv ${CYLC_RUN_DIR}/${CYLC_WORKFLOW_NAME} other-run-dir
        script = """
cylc workflow-state --debug other-run-dir \
    --run-dir=~/cylc-run-other-test \
    --task=foo \
rm -rfv ~/cylc-run-other-test

First task (foo) creates an alternate run dir containing the same workflow using a link, second task (bar) and xtrigger checks task completion of the first task via the alternate run dir.

@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherland * raised against master as 8.3.0 is meant to be close to release (?) .. but can change 19:35:39
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherland * Fix is up: https://github.com/cylc/cylc-flow/pull/604419:36:52
1 Apr 2024
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver
In reply to @dwsutherland:matrix.org
why would it be looking there ... hmm

David Sutherland: what's the context here? Did you (re)discover this bug yourself, or did you see the issue raised 2 weeks ago by Tom Coleman (BOM) on GitHub?

Either way, I put a fix PR up 2 weeks ago 🙂

I didn't add a test yet though, so we perhaps we can combine forces.



@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid SutherlandOh, opp! I should read more21:39:21
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid SutherlandSeems yours is a lighter touch, but we could include the test from mine.. what do you think?21:54:24
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverYes, I'll take a look at both today and include your test at the least - thanks 21:58:11
2 Apr 2024
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

Done - assigned you as a review David Sutherland

Can someone from the UK side pile in on the review plz.

Note this is an urgent migration-blocker bug fix (certainly at NIWA and BOM).


@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

Done - assigned you as a reviewer David Sutherland

Can someone from the UK side pile in on the review plz.

Note this is an urgent migration-blocker bug fix (certainly at NIWA and BOM).


@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver(Currently assigned to 8.3.0 milestone, but it could be retargetted at 8.2.x if not too late for the final 8.2. maintenance release). 05:52:09
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherlandok will review shortly05:53:25
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverThanks (but I don't expect you to do it after hours!)05:56:22
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver
In reply to @revilo666:matrix.org
(Currently assigned to 8.3.0 milestone, but it could be retargetted at 8.2.x if not too late for the final 8.2. maintenance release).

Ah, looks like it is too late for that, so 8.3.0 is fine (we're not planning to migrate NIWA ops till then anyway).

(I was away over the Easter long weekend so was out of the loop for a bit).

@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersNote, there's still time to get it into 8.2.5 if desired.10:12:40
23 Apr 2024
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

log verbosity

After code review comments I've demoted added to/ removed from active task pool messages to DEBUG level.

I also demoted the task event manager health messages, which are pretty distracting in the log.

I was planning to argue against the first demotion, because the presence or absence of tasks in the scheduler task pool still matters to users in several important ways. But I've changed my mind, for now.

Relatedly though:

  1. I don't think we have agreed yet on what exactly to call the scheduler task pool in user docs - as it does still have some kind of user-facing importance
  2. it would be nice to have at least one "verbose" logging level between INFO and DEBUG
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

log verbosity

After code review comments I've demoted added to/ removed from active task pool messages to DEBUG level.

I also demoted the task event manager health messages, which are pretty distracting in the log.

I was planning to argue against the first demotion, because the presence or absence of tasks in the scheduler task pool still matters to users in several important ways. But I've changed my mind, for now.

Relatedly though:

It would be nice to have at least one "verbose" logging level between INFO and DEBUG

@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

There is a 3rd party package out there that does this: https://pypi.org/project/verboselogs and https://github.com/xolox/python-verboselogs

Although looking at the code, it is quite a trivial extension of Python's logging, which we could easily do ourselves to avoid the dependency.

I'd suggest then, something like this:

  • INFO: minimal trace of normal task events and state changes
  • VERBOSE: plus additional informative details such as tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool
  • DEBUG: plus the extreme verbosity needed for literally debugging the scheduler
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

There is a 3rd party package out there that does this: https://pypi.org/project/verboselogs and https://github.com/xolox/python-verboselogs

Looking at the code, it is a trivial extension of Python's logging, which we could easily do ourselves to avoid the dependency.

I'd suggest then, something like this:

  • INFO: minimal trace of normal task events and state changes
  • VERBOSE: plus additional informative details such as tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool
  • DEBUG: plus the extreme verbosity needed for literally debugging the scheduler
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

There is a 3rd party package out there that does this: https://pypi.org/project/verboselogs and https://github.com/xolox/python-verboselogs

Looking at the code, it is a trivial extension of Python's logging, which we could easily do ourselves to avoid the dependency.

I'd suggest then, something like this:

  • INFO: minimal trace of normal task events and state changes
  • VERBOSE: plus additional informative details such as tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool, "health" messages detail next polling times, etc.
  • DEBUG: plus the extreme verbosity needed for literally debugging the scheduler
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverIf there's some kind of agreement on that, I'll post an issue.00:30:52
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

There is a 3rd party package out there that does this: https://pypi.org/project/verboselogs and https://github.com/xolox/python-verboselogs

Looking at the code, it is a trivial extension of Python's logging, which we could easily do ourselves to avoid the dependency.

I'd suggest then, something like this:

  • INFO: minimal trace of normal task events and state changes
  • VERBOSE: plus additional informative details such as tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool, "health" messages detail next polling times, etc.
  • DEBUG: plus the extreme verbosity needed for literally debugging the scheduler (which I find pretty painful to see, under most circumstances - it shouldn't be needed for just following events in more detail)
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

There is a 3rd party package out there that does this: https://pypi.org/project/verboselogs and https://github.com/xolox/python-verboselogs

Looking at the code, it is a trivial extension of Python's logging, which we could easily do ourselves to avoid the dependency.

I'd suggest then, something like this:

  • INFO: minimal trace of normal task events and state changes
  • VERBOSE: plus additional informative details such as tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool, "health" messages detail next polling times, etc.
  • DEBUG: plus the extreme verbosity needed for literally debugging the scheduler (which I find pretty painful to read under most circumstances - it shouldn't be needed for just following events in more detail)
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

scheduler task pool - what to call it?

Like it or not, the scheduler task pool still has some kind of user-facing importance. We need to refer to it somehow, e.g. to describe:

  • the scheduler's moving window of awareness on the potentially infinite graph
  • stall by finished tasks with incomplete outputs
  • the difference in task-matching behaviour in and out of the pool
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

scheduler task pool - what to call it in user docs?

Like it or not, the scheduler task pool still has some kind of user-facing importance. We need to refer to it somehow, e.g. to describe:

  • the scheduler's moving window of awareness on the potentially infinite graph
  • stall by finished tasks with incomplete outputs
  • the difference in task-matching behaviour in and out of the pool
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

I think I've raised this before, but it got glossed over. Anyway, it's crunch time.

The original idea was "active window" but:

  • this is too easily confused with the related-but-different GUI n-window

My preference, I think, is just "scheduler task pool"

  • it contains some non-active tasks
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

I think I've raised this before, but it got glossed over and we currently have some inconsistent and varied terminology in the docs.

The original idea was "active window" but:

  • this is too easily confused with the related-but-different GUI n-window

My preference, I think, is just "scheduler task pool"

  • it contains some non-active tasks
  • "pool" doesn't necessarily suggest contiguous graph nodes
  • it kinda works as "the pool of tasks that the scheduler is currently aware of, or currently managing" vs the rest of the (abstract) workflow graph
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver *

I think I've raised this before, but it got glossed over and we currently have some inconsistent and varied terminology in the docs.

The original idea was "active window" but:

  • this is too easily confused (as already demonstrated by some users) with the related-but-different GUI n-window

My preference, I think, is just "scheduler task pool"

  • it contains some non-active tasks
  • "pool" doesn't necessarily suggest contiguous graph nodes
  • it kinda works as "the pool of tasks that the scheduler is currently aware of, or currently managing" vs the rest of the (abstract) workflow graph
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver

Finally, how should we refer to tasks entering and exiting the scheduler task pool? We've been using "spawn" and "remove" for these forever. I don't think "spawn" is a bad term for that (upcoming tasks get "spawned" into the scheduler's awareness on demand). But I suppose we could decide to say "entering" and "exiting" (the task pool) in user docs.

Thoughts? Flame-wars? 😁


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