
skywater-pdk: openlane

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31 Mar 2021
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
Nguyen.Dao or if you can use makefiles, see nproc.mk in openlane top directory
Olof Kindgren this is a perfect example usecase for edalize-run-in-cloud
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
Olof Kindgren this is a perfect example usecase for edalize-run-in-cloud
I only see it runs on 1 cpu when checking the running process (openlane)
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01L8BR7FFA:matrix.org
I only see it runs on 1 cpu when checking the running process (openlane)
I set ROUTING_CORES to 12 in my case but this option is for detailed routing. My flow is still stuck at Global Routing (fastrout)
In reply toundefined
(edited) ... Routing (fastrout) => ... Routing (fastroute)
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01L8BR7FFA:matrix.org
I set ROUTING_CORES to 12 in my case but this option is for detailed routing. My flow is still stuck at Global Routing (fastroute)
Nguyen.Dao is it still running?
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
Nguyen.Dao is it still running?
I’ve stopped it to change the options, now re-run it but don’t see any improve
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01L8BR7FFA:matrix.org
I’ve stopped it to change the options, now re-run it but don’t see any improve
Ahmed Ghazy looks like this could be some kind of pathalogical case or infinite loop. Test case is https://github.com/FPGA-Research-Manchester/FABulous-SKY130
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
Ahmed Ghazy looks like this could be some kind of pathalogical case or infinite loop. Test case is https://github.com/FPGA-Research-Manchester/FABulous-SKY130
mkk ^
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor Anyone fancy trying to implement this on top of open road? ;) https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2003/2003.08445.pdf 18:10:43
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi Hi Rob Taylor this looks interesting, are you working on this topic? 18:43:23
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor No, just saw it and thought it was interesting! Happy to help out if I can though 18:44:06
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi I am not trying RL yet and still shooting for the low hanging fruits. So basically, trying to train a NN and predict what runs is going to be like 18:58:32
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor nice mehdi! 21:08:28
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor it’d be interesting to see if we can use the google cloud ai platform to optimise openlane runs on gke ;) 21:11:05
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi I have access through Tim/Openroad and it is definitely helpful. But I still feel I am not using the gcp to its full potential. Do you have access to gcp? Maybe you could help me enhance my scripts 😉 21:35:21
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.orgBrad B joined the room.21:58:50
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.orgBrad B small question: I am starting to get familiar with the OpenLNAE tools - what exactly does the acronym spm stand for? 21:59:22
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.orgBrad B
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.org
small question: I am starting to get familiar with the OpenLNAE tools - what exactly does the acronym spm stand for?
I think I found my answer - it is one of the example designs provided in the openlane repository
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.org
I think I found my answer - it is one of the example designs provided in the openlane repository
serial-parallel multiplier
In reply toundefined
(edited) serial-parallel multiplier => serial-parallel multiplier is that it stands for, and yep it's a very-small sample design
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U018R1PNQC9:matrix.orgBrad B
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016PTY0C2E:matrix.org
serial-parallel multiplier is that it stands for, and yep it's a very-small sample design
1 Apr 2021
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SMK92GH4:matrix.orgSukanta Dey joined the room.04:32:16
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SMK92GH4:matrix.orgSukanta Dey changed their profile picture.04:32:18
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
mkk ^
Rob Taylor Actually had a talk with Ahmed Ghazy and Mohamed Shalan yesterday about Edalize, OpenLane and cloud use-cases
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.org
I have access through Tim/Openroad and it is definitely helpful. But I still feel I am not using the gcp to its full potential. Do you have access to gcp? Maybe you could help me enhance my scripts 😉
sure, would be happy to see if i can help
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.org
Rob Taylor Actually had a talk with Ahmed Ghazy and Mohamed Shalan yesterday about Edalize, OpenLane and cloud use-cases
nice :)
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
nice :)
Update: the flow works fine with 1x2 and 2x2 CLBs fabrics without timing optimization (OpenPhySyn doesn’t support disable timing loops). For the 4x4 CLBs fabric, it’s stuck at global routing (fastroute)?
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SRAD8APP:matrix.orgJamey Hicks joined the room.13:00:27
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01L8BR7FFA:matrix.org
Update: the flow works fine with 1x2 and 2x2 CLBs fabrics without timing optimization (OpenPhySyn doesn’t support disable timing loops). For the 4x4 CLBs fabric, it’s stuck at global routing (fastroute)?
Does the time go up exponentially?
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.orgRob Taylor
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01GE4F371D:matrix.org
Does the time go up exponentially?
Could we produce a 2x2 clb gds and then stitch together to make a bigger fabric?

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