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25 Jul 2024
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécateyeah we can see that but asking for OCaml support on a Haskell channel is not the way to get it :')20:46:54
@freemo:qoto.orgJeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4) changed their display name from Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC+7) to Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4).20:58:43
@/-+:matrix.org/-+Is there any room for Ocaml and scheme 21:40:21
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmyou should probably look on their websites. (There is a matrix room search but I don't trust it right now)21:42:34
@/-+:matrix.org/-+We were giving an assignment in our college to develop a small compiler with this languages.please I hope you guys can be of help to me21:58:56
@/-+:matrix.org/-+I know is a challenging task21:59:13
@alcastorne:matrix.orgjasagredo Check here: https://ocaml.org/community it points to a Matrix room specifically for OCaml. 22:20:18
In reply to @/-+:matrix.org
Is there any room for Ocaml and scheme
the #ocaml channel on libera is pretty active
26 Jul 2024
@senju_hashirama:cutefunny.art柱間 changed their profile picture.01:46:55
@mad:matrix.org@mad:matrix.org joined the room.05:35:55
In reply to @/-+:matrix.org
We were giving an assignment in our college to develop a small compiler with this languages.please I hope you guys can be of help to me

Basic steps:

  • define data structures for the AST of the language you want to compile
  • write a parser to read the source code that translates it to the AST objects
  • write some functions that translate the AST objects to the target code

Fortunately in haskell / ocaml / scheme you can simply write the various translation steps down as pure functions. This will be much easier than in an imperative language, since parsers and compilers are basically just translation functions.
And do look up combinator parsing if you haven‘t already. That is a flexible and natural way to to parsing with functional languages (as an alternative to the lex/yacc style and their reimplementations).

In reply to @/-+:matrix.org
We were giving an assignment in our college to develop a small compiler with this languages.please I hope you guys can be of help to me
* Basic steps:
• define data structures for the AST of the language you want to compile
• write a parser to read the source code that translates it to the AST objects
• write some functions that translate the AST objects to the target code
Fortunately in haskell / ocaml / scheme you can simply write the various translation steps down as pure functions. This will be much easier than in an imperative language, since parsers and compilers are basically just translation functions.
And do look up combinator parsing if you haven‘t already. That is a flexible and natural way to to parsing with functional languages (as an alternative to the lex/yacc style tools and their reimplementations).
@tweyuo:matrix.org@tweyuo:matrix.org joined the room.08:15:05
@tcsavage:matrix.orgTom Savage changed their display name from tcsavage to Tom Savage.08:22:08
@tcsavage:matrix.orgTom Savage set a profile picture.08:23:34
@tweyuo:matrix.org@tweyuo:matrix.org left the room.08:25:08
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIVis there a haddock room on matrix? 11:44:49
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIV I have the problem that 'GHC.Exts.ByteArray#' doesn't highlight correctly. 11:45:25
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIVhah! found it.11:49:38
In reply to @clementd-42:matrix.org
Do you want the handler to decide on what it returns? Or do you want a type you can reuse in different contexts ?
Yes, the handler would return different rs depending on the input. The JSON RPC standard has a set Response structure where one of the fields contains the results of the operation and it can be anything that can be represented in JSON. I've used the RpcResponse r return type with Scotty but Servant's type-level DSL seems to not allow it.
Using a sum type to represent specific responses seems to be working fine.
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIVhttps://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/12934 if you have the passion to have a look - please roast my haddock! 13:17:23
@profpatsch:augsburg.oneProfpatschpretty good14:14:12
@senju_hashirama:cutefunny.art柱間 changed their profile picture.14:30:53
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIV I haven't followed the proposals for the exception backtrace stuff, maybe someobody here knows - why does displayException @SomeException behave like displayException @(ExceptionWIthContext _)? Wouldn't it have been enough to also having to wrap it into ExceptionWithContext? This is especially weird as `displayException @(ExceptionWIthContext SomException) does weird things like printing the callstack twice 👀 16:44:08
@mangoiv.:matrix.orgMangoIV * I haven't followed the proposals for the exception backtrace stuff, maybe someobody here knows - why does displayException @SomeException behave like displayException @(ExceptionWIthContext _)? Wouldn't it have been enough to also having to wrap it into ExceptionWithContext? This is especially weird as `displayException @(ExceptionWIthContext SomException)` does weird things like printing the callstack twice 👀 16:44:15
@kyle:iteratee.netKyle Butt left the room.17:16:35
@kyle:iteratee.netKyle Butt joined the room.17:16:57
@tyupo:matrix.org@tyupo:matrix.org joined the room.19:35:37
@tyupo:matrix.org@tyupo:matrix.org left the room.19:36:48
27 Jul 2024
@nicball:matrix.orgnicball changed their display name from _unsafePerformNicball to nicball.04:53:46

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