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Official Matrix channel for the binread & binrw Rust libraries. Bridged to Discord. https://github.com/jam1garner/binrw/12 Servers

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29 Dec 2023
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal i'm not sure how it would help with that, streams don't expose any kind of pointer (because many streams aren't memory, e.g. files or sockets) 02:29:54
@_discord_1015217000777252985:t2bot.iokekronbekron hmm, okie doke 02:30:08
@_discord_267990030876672001:t2bot.io// THIS IS AUTOGENERATED PERSON. joined the room.10:40:05
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_1167935658946465822:t2bot.iomaddox09y joined the room.01:32:51
@_discord_252592497929224195:t2bot.ioiamipanda joined the room.07:44:24
@_discord_252592497929224195:t2bot.ioiamipanda changed their display name from _discord_252592497929224195 to iamipanda.07:44:24
@_discord_252592497929224195:t2bot.ioiamipandaRedacted or Malformed Event07:44:24
@_discord_252592497929224195:t2bot.ioiamipandaRedacted or Malformed Event07:45:40
1 Jan 2024
@mayathebeee:matrix.orgmaya changed their display name from maya#3516@37C3 to maya.21:42:37
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_764232323189178380:t2bot.iobrian_4242 joined the room.05:20:18
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal uh, it shouldn't create a new decoder in the parent I think? but it will restart decoding each enum variant, that's just how enums work right now 19:29:40
@_discord_107978346247258112:t2bot.iobrind5461 I add log in the record_decoder function and i confirm a new parent decoder is created for each sub enum try... 19:31:34
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal oh, it might be because of NoSeek 19:32:04
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal since it won't be able to reset back for the next variant 19:32:17
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal can you make the record_decoder impl Seek? 19:32:32
@_discord_107978346247258112:t2bot.iobrind5461 Ok understood. I'll try to implement Seek. Not an easy task... 19:33:10
@_discord_107978346247258112:t2bot.iobrind5461 Thanks for the tips, i'll let you know if this was the issue 19:33:52
@_discord_107978346247258112:t2bot.iobrind5461 octylfractal it works! thanks 21:33:04
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_214199485105045504:t2bot.ioscanmountgoat Is there a way to get the file and line number from the proc macro input on stable? binrw seems to do this using span for the backtraces, but I just get 0's for the line and column when I try it in my code. 05:05:10
@_discord_214199485105045504:t2bot.ioscanmountgoat Is that what enables the output like "while parsing field in src/file.rs:42"? 05:34:55
@_discord_101805079555764224:t2bot.iooctylfractal iirc yes 05:35:38
@snover:matrix.orgsnoveriirc binrw uses a specific version of proc-macro2 because those methods were stubbed out in later ones05:35:53
@snover:matrix.orgsnoverbut i think that was a nightly thing05:36:43
@snover:matrix.orgsnoverbut i see that is not in master so i think i forgot that something changed again05:38:16
@snover:matrix.orgsnoveroh right i ended up hacking in some thing05:39:45
@snover:matrix.orgsnover scanmountgoat: https://github.com/jam1garner/binrw/blob/master/binrw_derive/src/binrw/backtrace/mod.rs#L202-L225 🥴 05:41:46
@snover:matrix.orgsnover * scanmountgoat: https://github.com/jam1garner/binrw/blob/master/binrw_derive/src/binrw/backtrace/mod.rs#L183-L225 🥴 05:42:19
@snover:matrix.orgsnover this could maybe do proc_macro_span check now instead or something i dunno whatever. but anyway, i dunno why dtolnay is ignoring the PRs to restore this 05:43:41
@_discord_214199485105045504:t2bot.ioscanmountgoat Is the span only used for verbose-backtrace? 05:45:33
@snover:matrix.orgsnover i mean spans are used in a lot of places but getting the line/column of span happens only here and when someone uses dbg directive 05:47:43

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