
Time Travel

313 Members
Time Travel7 Servers

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25 Aug 2023
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul The mere fact of it existing implies the timeline didn't change so it's a contradiction for it to exist. 18:29:36
In reply to @_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.io
The mere fact of it existing implies the timeline didn't change so it's a contradiction for it to exist.
Interesting point! It's all in your head then!
26 Aug 2023
@_discord_534973621232336918:t2bot.iosaurion changed their display name from Saurion to saurion#0.05:32:44
@_discord_534973621232336918:t2bot.iosaurion changed their display name from saurion#0 to saurion.05:32:57
@_discord_577082823626719235:t2bot.ioOne Soul Are you trying to falsify by refuting that the entire concept of time travel is another brainfart or affirming the inherently astral/psychic nature of it? 🙄🤨🤔 07:20:08
29 Aug 2023
@arieus:hackliberty.orgArieus joined the room.13:32:52
2 Sep 2023
@_discord_1147482645870157844:t2bot.ioenterlight717 joined the room.11:06:53
3 Sep 2023
@maskugatiger:matrix.orgMaskugatiger a.k.a CybernetWalker changed their display name from Maskugatiger ak.a CybernetWalker to Maskugatiger a.k.a CybernetWalker.14:22:46
6 Sep 2023
@_discord_1141063937710891098:t2bot.iogabtel7_93963 joined the room.19:27:22
7 Sep 2023
@_discord_325405821666197507:t2bot.ionicofors joined the room.10:21:01
@_discord_767500574529945612:t2bot.ioattach369 joined the room.19:36:10
8 Sep 2023
@sloomy:catgirl.cloudsloomy joined the room.23:35:47
@sloomy:catgirl.cloudsloomy left the room.23:37:38
9 Sep 2023
@_discord_489213565153181706:t2bot.iovalps changed their display name from Valps to valps#0.19:10:14
@_discord_489213565153181706:t2bot.iovalps changed their display name from valps#0 to valps.19:10:21
11 Sep 2023
@_discord_961027196955267145:t2bot.io.cosmic_void. joined the room.03:00:13
12 Sep 2023
@_discord_266594437281349632:t2bot.iobojangxx joined the room.12:19:11
13 Sep 2023
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from JMichelen to jmichelen#0.22:14:55
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from jmichelen#0 to jmichelen.22:14:58
29 Sep 2023
@_discord_849048478737760317:t2bot.iodutchymccloud joined the room.02:08:42
@_discord_1100490612043681853:t2bot.iokamari_hikari joined the room.03:47:32
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 joined the room.07:19:25
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 left the room.10:11:07
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_899133975094759474:t2bot.io```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3``` changed their display name from cochain4#0 to ```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3```.08:21:29
@lazarevitch:matrix.org!LAZAREVITCH! left the room.12:07:55
17 Oct 2023
@_discord_877864947328118854:t2bot.iognothi93#0 changed their display name from Gnothi#1577 to gnothi93#0.04:03:01
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_510155738946207754:t2bot.iocontemporarydetails joined the room.13:56:28
25 Oct 2023
@_discord_399271761822220290:t2bot.ioess.jay joined the room.23:14:19
@_discord_806685027978182656:t2bot.iojewels454 joined the room.23:44:25
26 Oct 2023
@_discord_921276758043529278:t2bot.iobeingsovran joined the room.05:52:40

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