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29 Feb 2024
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik And it's not released so you would need to switch to Prerelease etc. 11:46:06
@_discord_659458872486002691:t2bot.iofel_her Tomasz Godzik Oh, wow! Hot code reload is really exiting. Anywhere I can read up on it? I don't mind switching to prerelease 🙂 11:56:07
@_discord_594749312123142149:t2bot.ioquafadas fel_her As a quick check, I've recently been burned on similar with mill. Is there any chance, that bloop / sbt / metals are using different JVMs?

In my case metals / mill targeted different JVMs and continuously invalidated caching / compilation. If you know they are all targeting the same, it's one potential source of confusion down.
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik The way it's compiled it should always use the same JVM 12:32:09
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Metals itself doesn't compile anything 12:32:25
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik We don't have any article yet about hot code reload, but it's basically a new button in the debug console 12:32:53
@_discord_659458872486002691:t2bot.iofel_her 🙏 👍 12:50:23
@_discord_659458872486002691:t2bot.iofel_her That's interesting. I only have one JVM installed and not done any special configuration, so I assume everything should use/target the same one 🙂 12:54:19
@_discord_1212749040186560612:t2bot.iokris_17822 joined the room.13:47:15
@_discord_233683447992811521:t2bot.iouff0 Thank you! Looks useful. But I had some trouble with it due to the Scala signature package having the wrong version 16:10:00
@_discord_233683447992811521:t2bot.iouff0 * Thank you! Looks useful. But I'm having some trouble with it due to the Scala signature package having a wrong version 16:17:19
@_discord_233683447992811521:t2bot.iouff0 * Thank you! Looks useful. But I'm having some trouble with it due to the Scala signature package having the wrong version (in com/lightbend/tools/sculpt/cmd/package.class) 16:18:28
@_discord_218540750013464576:t2bot.iobeem812 joined the room.18:57:07
1 Mar 2024
@_discord_369819123305283584:t2bot.iomarovargovcik changed their profile picture.08:58:42
@_discord_895751632321663017:t2bot.ioraphaelo6.9 joined the room.09:11:28
@_discord_839845699306258442:t2bot.iogemelen changed their profile picture.18:38:59
2 Mar 2024
@_discord_403609872123428864:t2bot.ioil_totore joined the room.11:32:33
@_discord_860912021154955265:t2bot.ioenergythen joined the room.12:18:58
3 Mar 2024
@_discord_897851502310334524:t2bot.iorealschlawg joined the room.17:37:04
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.iobillfrasure joined the room.17:44:23
4 Mar 2024
@_discord_873601734520471562:t2bot.iogspitwq joined the room.13:56:16
5 Mar 2024
@_discord_254357069769998338:t2bot.iokubukoz changed their profile picture.13:32:54
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift changed their profile picture.16:17:36
6 Mar 2024
@_discord_195758349856407552:t2bot.iodavidf joined the room.14:58:45
7 Mar 2024
@_discord_426148274521636865:t2bot.ioyummy_inhalant joined the room.19:17:24
10 Mar 2024
@_discord_632150227658473473:t2bot.ioolafurpg changed their profile picture.12:14:00
13 Mar 2024
@_discord_196988604478652416:t2bot.io.philluminati joined the room.09:12:06
14 Mar 2024
@_discord_883259506715402260:t2bot.iod.delphine joined the room.18:52:07
@_discord_593528659583828117:t2bot.iom.hughes changed their profile picture.23:35:17
17 Mar 2024
@_discord_1049009512905973911:t2bot.ioukrustacean joined the room.13:08:26

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