

427 Members
Discord bridge for scalameta/general5 Servers

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17 Mar 2024
@_discord_632628921942147109:t2bot.io.pityka joined the room.18:19:01
18 Mar 2024
@_discord_847173898528227398:t2bot.iodavid_f_goodenough joined the room.22:24:55
19 Mar 2024
@_discord_585809252883496990:t2bot.iof40a3204 joined the room.09:49:47
@_discord_742412995379855378:t2bot.iokostask3734 joined the room.19:19:36
20 Mar 2024
@_discord_192823728944578560:t2bot.ioshrimphands joined the room.17:10:23
@_discord_438509186624520213:t2bot.iorpiaggio joined the room.19:40:46
22 Mar 2024
@_discord_857280409585975296:t2bot.iomkharytonau joined the room.12:28:22
23 Mar 2024
@_discord_806168127985156116:t2bot.ioarturopala changed their display name from Artur Opala to arturopala.17:17:29
26 Mar 2024
@_discord_180387064884232192:t2bot.ioz1kkurat hey people, do you know when we can expect a new release? i'm super hyped for the new go to implementations, can't wait 😄 08:04:42
@_discord_180387064884232192:t2bot.ioz1kkurat changed their profile picture.08:04:44
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue a new Metals release? 08:23:34
@_discord_180387064884232192:t2bot.ioz1kkurat yes, that's what i meant, sry for confusion 08:23:53
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue np. anyway, better to ask in #metals 08:26:27
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik I want to release early in April, but first I want to make sure that all the recent changes didn't break things too much 08:29:23
@_discord_983704385630658600:t2bot.iopowerful_monkey_59758_71986 joined the room.15:25:18
@_discord_983704385630658600:t2bot.iopowerful_monkey_59758_71986 Hi, new here.
I want to implement scalismo, and therefore have to install scala-cli and vs code. I am following these instructions:

Everything works as it should, which i checked with simple codes described here

However, i cannot debug/run the scripts, it gives the error that class 'Main' is not found in any build target.
I do not see where it is going wrong and how to fix this, can anyone help?
@_discord_983704385630658600:t2bot.iopowerful_monkey_59758_71986 changed their profile picture.15:25:20
@_discord_253271083740823562:t2bot.iopixelateddog joined the room.15:32:52
29 Mar 2024
@_discord_936395565154054144:t2bot.ioeje4073 joined the room.23:49:59
30 Mar 2024
@_discord_518111661866090507:t2bot.ioVMetals changed their display name from kurro9452 to water_underscore.18:03:18
1 Apr 2024
@_discord_318714777536823299:t2bot.iocarlosedp joined the room.20:06:06
5 Apr 2024
@_discord_730321412962779246:t2bot.iooclok_ joined the room.09:46:24
7 Apr 2024
@_discord_951568303590105189:t2bot.ioshaked9252 changed their display name from shaked to shaked9252.08:27:51
8 Apr 2024
@_discord_840225175391698974:t2bot.io_jasperm changed their profile picture.07:33:24
10 Apr 2024
@_discord_808674836901527612:t2bot.iothanh.le joined the room.01:15:50
@_discord_736011134901026867:t2bot.iobumblebread. joined the room.22:59:04
11 Apr 2024
@_discord_188611596832997385:t2bot.ioarturaz Use Visual Studio Code with Databricks C... 09:31:23
@_discord_188611596832997385:t2bot.ioarturaz changed their profile picture.09:31:24
@_discord_716432228917444620:t2bot.iodavesmith00000 changed their profile picture.10:23:05
12 Apr 2024
@_discord_435406890562879488:t2bot.iofel_mazo joined the room.09:25:33

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