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21 Aug 2023
@_discord_189470596134993920:t2bot.ioollien changed their display name from ollien to ollien#0.00:13:45
@_discord_157827690668359681:t2bot.ioharryfelton joined the room.03:29:42
@_discord_661806897808146442:t2bot.iohappycoding.hk joined the room.09:47:43
22 Aug 2023
@_discord_273987250600148992:t2bot.iojgcupit joined the room.21:15:39
23 Aug 2023
@_discord_362999073961410582:t2bot.iobezimen joined the room.16:11:57
24 Aug 2023
@_discord_614616369815879691:t2bot.iowowinsideme joined the room.05:38:42
@_discord_966736689890471986:t2bot.iokurnevsky changed their display name from kurnevsky to kurnevsky#0.08:31:59
@_discord_966736689890471986:t2bot.iokurnevsky changed their display name from kurnevsky#0 to kurnevsky.08:32:01
@_discord_280271340080988161:t2bot.io__sigsegv joined the room.12:54:47
25 Aug 2023
@_discord_711856393879027833:t2bot.ionikiforo.me joined the room.08:39:13
@_discord_691992332245008424:t2bot.ioigor.ramazanov joined the room.12:41:28
26 Aug 2023
@_discord_768621098177921075:t2bot.iosanj changed their display name from sanj to sanj3419#0.01:30:56
@_discord_768621098177921075:t2bot.iosanj changed their display name from sanj3419#0 to sanj3419.01:30:59
29 Aug 2023
@_discord_713317586489704488:t2bot.iotimwspence joined the room.16:12:06
1 Sep 2023
@_discord_254460479127158785:t2bot.ioareyouspiffy joined the room.15:54:10
4 Sep 2023
@ckipp:matrix.orgChris Kipp changed their profile picture.08:30:58
6 Sep 2023
@_discord_614033909310816259:t2bot.iomirmil changed their display name from mirmil to mirmil57#0.08:57:31
@_discord_614033909310816259:t2bot.iomirmil changed their display name from mirmil57#0 to mirmil57.08:57:34
7 Sep 2023
@_discord_823366847461982239:t2bot.iotylsch joined the room.00:30:52
8 Sep 2023
@_discord_1149719831625617469:t2bot.ioknutarnevedaa_03646 joined the room.15:01:57
@_discord_200992093043163137:t2bot.iomackness changed their display name from mackness to mackness#0.21:44:49
@_discord_200992093043163137:t2bot.iomackness changed their display name from mackness#0 to mackness.21:44:52
10 Sep 2023
@_discord_860273177708199936:t2bot.iosamirbajaj changed their display name from samirbajaj to samirbajaj#0.14:31:26
11 Sep 2023
@_discord_336303386939097091:t2bot.iokgtkr joined the room.09:28:57
13 Sep 2023
@_discord_471089203158188052:t2bot.ioJesse (jsatk) changed their display name from Jesse (jsatk) to jsatk#0.23:12:18
@_discord_471089203158188052:t2bot.ioJesse (jsatk) changed their display name from jsatk#0 to Jesse (jsatk).23:12:22
14 Sep 2023
@_discord_221399117518209024:t2bot.iocoffius joined the room.11:51:15
@_discord_221399117518209024:t2bot.iocoffius Hello, chat ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š

I have a question - does anyone know a tool to convert *.scala file into *.md?

A bit more of a context for the question:
Currently I am in the middle of writing an article about Scala stuff. Scala code is done and ready and to make it an article I added comments and additional info as a text comments to it. So now I am thinking about how to extract these comments and code from *.scala and convert them to *.mdยน.
First of all I've checked scalameta/mdoc but currently it implements the opposite conversion(*.md -> executable) which does not suit my case.

So I wonder maybe someone here knows something how to do that โ˜

P.S. Sorry if it is offtopic.

ยน) All text is already in Markdown as ScalaDoc supports it directly.
@_discord_221399117518209024:t2bot.iocoffius * Hello, chat ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š

I have a question - does anyone know a tool to convert *.scala file into *.md?

A bit more of a context for the question:
Currently I am in the middle of writing an article about Scala stuff. Scala code is done and ready and to make it an article I added comments and additional info as a ScalaDoc comments to it. So now I am thinking about how to extract these comments and code from *.scala and convert them to *.mdยน.
First of all I've checked scalameta/mdoc but currently it implements the opposite conversion(*.md -> executable) which does not suit my case.

So I wonder maybe someone here knows something how to do that โ˜

P.S. Sorry if it is offtopic.

ยน) All text is already in Markdown as ScalaDoc supports it directly.
@_discord_1013091518673866782:t2bot.io.slow_brain Looks like you would like some "literate programming" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literate_programming) solution.
Frankly I don't know what works here with Scala. Google was not helpful. (I've only found outdated projects)

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