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14 Sep 2023
@_discord_1013091518673866782:t2bot.io.slow_brain Maybe someone else knows something in this direction? 12:08:04
@_discord_221399117518209024:t2bot.iocoffius .slow_brain , Thanks for the suggestion.
I've checked this lead and found basically the same.
The closest tool to this idea, to my understanding, is scalameta/mdoc but it implements a bit different logic. As well as other tools related to "literate programming".

They make an document such as *.md compilable and executable.
But in my case I'd like to extract a markdown document out of a Scala file. In this sense Scaladoc is closer.
@_discord_221399117518209024:t2bot.iocoffius * .slow_brain , Thanks for the suggestion.
I've checked this lead and found basically the same.
The closest tool to this idea, to my understanding, is scalameta/mdoc but it implements a bit different logic. As well as other tools related to "literate programming".

They make an document such as *.md compilable and executable.
But in my case I'd like to extract a markdown document out of a Scala file - basically opposite. In this sense Scaladoc is closer.
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue#0 you might ask in the #content-creators channel of the main Scala Discord, see what other authors and speakers are using for their blog posts and slides and such 13:51:45
@_discord_632303296094142464:t2bot.iompilquist#7944 changed their display name from mpilquist#7944 to mpilquist#0.14:50:44
@_discord_632150227658473473:t2bot.ioolafurpg If you have a Scala function. that can render markdown from Scala code, then you can call that function inside a markdown file and evaluate it with mdoc 17:07:57
@_discord_632150227658473473:t2bot.ioolafurpg A lot of the pieces are in place, just need to wire everything together 17:10:46
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#0 I know Scaladoc has it's own site generation - do the same snippet become runnable like mdoc? Do they use Scastie or something else. 20:48:29
15 Sep 2023
@_discord_634335681954578433:t2bot.iocquiroz joined the room.13:11:34
@_discord_894212291791294557:t2bot.ioRiverside96 changed their display name from Riverside96 to riverside96#0.15:12:46
16 Sep 2023
@_discord_257261276391145472:t2bot.ioQuantumPie changed their display name from QuantumPie to quantumpie#0.19:08:06
20 Sep 2023
@_discord_340129472143425536:t2bot.iotanishiking#0 changed their profile picture.07:21:28
@_discord_658562800033202186:t2bot.iosusliko changed their display name from susliko to .susliko#0.09:27:58
@_discord_658562800033202186:t2bot.iosusliko set a profile picture.09:28:04
@_discord_658562800033202186:t2bot.iosusliko changed their display name from .susliko#0 to susliko.09:28:06
@_discord_796510425675071499:t2bot.iotypeduke joined the room.18:25:22
22 Sep 2023
@_discord_1154694834955759616:t2bot.iopjh122 joined the room.08:50:18
@_discord_1154694834955759616:t2bot.iopjh122 changed their display name from pjh122 to pjh122#0.09:12:20
@_discord_1154694834955759616:t2bot.iopjh122 changed their display name from pjh122#0 to pjh122.09:12:23
28 Sep 2023
@_discord_398562974739988481:t2bot.ioUncle 0gre changed their display name from Uncle 0gre to uncle0gre#0.20:19:26
30 Sep 2023
@_discord_635293044542930955:t2bot.iooscarvarto changed their display name from oscarvarto to oscarvarto#0.05:34:25
@_discord_635293044542930955:t2bot.iooscarvarto removed their profile picture.05:34:29
1 Oct 2023
@_discord_542295004337405962:t2bot.iojishu debnath joined the room.16:19:40
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.06:48:36
@_discord_115625196961923080:t2bot.iospills changed their display name from spills to spills#0.19:13:03
3 Oct 2023
@_discord_734434444433293464:t2bot.ioatk91 joined the room.08:21:27
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:29:58
5 Oct 2023
@_discord_378367005624893452:t2bot.iorodney0 joined the room.14:36:57
6 Oct 2023
@_discord_997946109513179246:t2bot.ioBrinkleyC changed their display name from BrinkleyC to brinkleyc#0.23:06:24
@_discord_997946109513179246:t2bot.ioBrinkleyC changed their display name from brinkleyc#0 to brinkleyc.23:06:27

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