

427 Members
Discord bridge for scalameta/general5 Servers

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12 Apr 2024
@_discord_895755448119070761:t2bot.ionphardass joined the room.11:25:18
14 Apr 2024
@_discord_711364897921040415:t2bot.iosumew joined the room.15:49:18
15 Apr 2024
@_discord_642856193827536896:t2bot.iovalencik changed their profile picture.12:31:42
16 Apr 2024
@_discord_494806222650998785:t2bot.iowu_lynx joined the room.15:44:28
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig changed their profile picture.20:29:15
@_discord_341614860507021322:t2bot.ioandy.czerwonka joined the room.23:17:41
17 Apr 2024
@_discord_764117987707846707:t2bot.ioashwin1899 joined the room.07:25:43
18 Apr 2024
@_discord_810210642229329929:t2bot.iomzuehlke joined the room.06:39:00
@_discord_1106610376281444433:t2bot.ioemperorf joined the room.13:18:36
@_discord_474360877689208843:t2bot.iozanpreston joined the room.15:57:31
19 Apr 2024
@_discord_378367005624893452:t2bot.iorodney0 changed their profile picture.17:05:50
22 Apr 2024
@_discord_391890009319276546:t2bot.iorenghen joined the room.10:02:42
24 Apr 2024
@_discord_546733161388703811:t2bot.iodigitalmechanic joined the room.10:26:55
25 Apr 2024
@_discord_305013527763222528:t2bot.iooyvindberg joined the room.20:48:50
@_discord_121467287545839616:t2bot.ioMichael D changed their profile picture.20:57:05
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_644849095785054218:t2bot.iobjornregnell joined the room.11:40:45
27 Apr 2024
@_discord_254674063157493760:t2bot.iocobra8151 joined the room.09:53:05
30 Apr 2024
@_discord_421351560598257665:t2bot.io.gersondev changed their display name from gersondev to .gersondev.09:45:02
@_discord_372358874243661825:t2bot.iotoniogela changed their profile picture.10:09:24
2 May 2024
@_discord_996509073564516544:t2bot.iovt19110882 joined the room.19:18:52
4 May 2024
@_discord_398060040419934209:t2bot.ioseverian_au changed their display name from severian to severian_au.02:39:04
6 May 2024
@_discord_779551845252595712:t2bot.iomrsauceman joined the room.16:37:16
7 May 2024
@_discord_518111661866090507:t2bot.ioVMetals changed their display name from water_underscore to VMetals.07:02:00
@_discord_651476755969998859:t2bot.iomvillafuerte joined the room.13:46:29
8 May 2024
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue is there an administrator here who could set the flag on this server so that it comes up in server discovery? 18:32:40
Download Screenshot_2024-05-08_at_10.26.00_AM.png
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue Typelevel recently made their server discoverable, so if I search "Scala" these are now the top 2 hits: 18:33:00
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue would be good IMO to have Scalameta server show up too 18:33:07
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue you can also add an image banner, as the screenshot shows 🙂 18:33:27
9 May 2024
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik We don't have enough people/activity for that, It needs at least 1000 members 14:06:59

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