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23 Nov 2023
@_discord_632303296094142464:t2bot.iompilquist changed their display name from mpilquist#0 to mpilquist.13:54:55
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_129006045677879296:t2bot.iovalde joined the room.21:31:04
26 Nov 2023
@_discord_1177934067644252211:t2bot.iomarcelocenerine joined the room.10:50:06
@_discord_160512379510194187:t2bot.iodieman joined the room.17:13:57
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_163435237924143104:t2bot.iomcpqndq joined the room.22:39:00
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_316688777110224896:t2bot.iochanningwalton joined the room.15:17:24
2 Dec 2023
@_discord_448877036098813952:t2bot.iololgab joined the room.11:08:07
3 Dec 2023
@_discord_516779473983504406:t2bot.ioStewart Stewart joined the room.06:51:41
@_discord_751907343146549299:t2bot.iojetnobrains joined the room.10:05:46
@_discord_613447440288448517:t2bot.io50nof joined the room.13:19:30
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_277819756961333259:t2bot.ioladerlappen7409 joined the room.13:18:42
@_discord_175652549011963904:t2bot.ionullhappens changed their display name from Nullhappens to nullhappens.21:18:25
6 Dec 2023
@_discord_453767205520408596:t2bot.iokousei joined the room.10:54:55
@_discord_861709531561852959:t2bot.ioaishfenton 16:31:22
8 Dec 2023
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg joined the room.03:42:34
@_discord_533340193097383946:t2bot.iosjfloat joined the room.18:49:57
9 Dec 2023
@_discord_662279142389186590:t2bot.iokelhasan joined the room.09:42:42
10 Dec 2023
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag This is probably not the best place to ask this question, but I'll try anyway: I get this message from sbt once in a while:

[warn] sbt server could not start because there's another instance of sbt running on this build.
[warn] Running multiple instances is unsupported
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag I understand the message, but I'm curious what the consequence is. Does it mean that sbt now instead started as a client, similar to if I did sbt --client? 21:39:24
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik I think that means it exactly 22:11:01
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot changed their display name from matrix-appservice-discord-t2bot to matrix-t2bot.16:12:01
12 Dec 2023
@_discord_372358874243661825:t2bot.iotoniogela joined the room.12:31:35
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag Thanks Tomasz; another question: How do you guys profile Scala programs? I don't have a strong Java background and it seems I should use this java flight recorder thing, but I don't quite "get it". Perhaps someone knows a good blog post or tutorial that can be of help? 17:34:10
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Probably the ebst to use are flamegraphs 17:34:50
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik It seems there is a nice blogpsot about it from Lightbend https://www.lightbend.com/blog/profiling-jvm-applications 17:35:30
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag Thanks Tomasz! 17:51:19
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag Do I need to (or should I) also configure profiling options such as -Yprofile-enabled for scalacOptions in build.sbt? 17:52:25
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Hmm... that would profile just the compilation I think 17:54:40
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik so more interesting if you want to make your project build faster 17:54:41
@_discord_734893646704410775:t2bot.iolervag Ah, yes; I just realized that myself from testing it. :p 17:55:53

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