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12 Dec 2023
@_discord_108647536046149632:t2bot.ioallaryin joined the room.20:37:01
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_840225175391698974:t2bot.io_jasperm joined the room.08:18:48
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig joined the room.22:56:08
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig When did Metals start using Bloop with sockets instead of TCP ports? I have been wanting this for so long, this is awesome! 22:56:08
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig 22:56:09
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig Actually, it looks like it's still using a TCP port, but I swear I saw stuff about it using a local socket in the log 23:06:14
15 Dec 2023
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik It should use socket, TCP only as a fallback 00:14:28
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Though I need to refresh my knowledge of the details here. We want to migrate to named sockets as it's done in the bloop fork for scala-cli 00:16:48
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Wo basically merge the fork upstream 00:17:03
@_discord_109686103451144192:t2bot.iodaniel.t joined the room.14:41:21
@_discord_165810339579953152:t2bot.iojpotts joined the room.15:22:11
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig Glad to hear about the use of sockets, I'll poke around a bit to see if I can figure out what is going on. I remember hearing in the spring the plan was to merge with Scala-CLI's fork of Bloop. Are you saying that has already happened? 16:42:45
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik unfortunately no 😦 I need to work on it still, I am currently looking into the changes to figure out what we need to port back 17:17:49
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. next up, Rust rewrite 17:34:00
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/553675215125741578.webp?size=48&name=cacomischief&quality=lossless 17:34:07
16 Dec 2023
@_discord_330937759940476932:t2bot.ioprince2329 joined the room.07:07:20
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_343104820783349760:t2bot.iosmoredahl joined the room.00:54:14
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik You would need to rewrite the compiler at that point 😄 08:34:24
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. maybe it'll clean it up haha 09:03:11
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. but jk, i have nowhere near the knowledge to write a compiler for any language 09:03:28
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. much less one as complex as scala 09:03:34
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik and in Rust, I don't think the Rust compiler is written in Rust 09:05:01
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. HMMMM 09:05:28
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. that would be a scandal in the rust community 09:05:34
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. it started off written in OCaml, quite cool 09:06:41
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt It is written in Rust 12:36:58
@_discord_292708232936423425:t2bot.ioiusildra joined the room.15:26:44
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Och, that's good then. You can try and see how the compiler can written in Rust 😅 16:13:46
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_532284270824390671:t2bot.ioMwjnfoükefp joined the room.08:32:54
@_discord_532284270824390671:t2bot.ioMwjnfoükefp changed their display name from yukinarts to Mwjnfoükefp.08:44:07

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