
Logseq: Queries

2490 Members
This is the queries channel of the official Logseq Space on Matrix, which you can find at #logseq:matrix.org. | This channel is *not* bridged to the Logseq community on Discord.12 Servers

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1 Jun 2024
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos joined the room.12:17:03
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos those colors it is difficult to read 12:17:04
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos changed their display name from _discord_252461223881342976 to adonyssantos.12:17:05
@_discord_307123223097638913:t2bot.iolategan It literally hurts my eyes somewhat 12:17:37
@_discord_307123223097638913:t2bot.iolategan * It literally hurts my eyes somewhat, but im sure it is a great tool to try 12:17:55
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos i am new with loseq, what is that? 12:20:00
@_discord_307123223097638913:t2bot.iolategan It is a way to track habits in Logseq is all I know, I am still reading 12:20:38
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos nice, i was using Notion, migrated to Obsidian and now moving to Loseq 12:22:17
@_discord_252461223881342976:t2bot.ioadonyssantos i like that is open source and i would like to contribute in some way 12:22:41
@_discord_307123223097638913:t2bot.iolategan if you have the time, that woule be super helpful 12:27:36
2 Jun 2024
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge apparently that page is using
css @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
to do a rough-and-dirty dark theme
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge * apparently that page is using
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
css to do a rough-and-dirty dark theme
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge the code highlighting looks much better with prefer light mode setting 00:52:16
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge (either way, I keep "[Dark Reader](https://darkreader.org/)" around which ensures minimum contrast levels are met. 00:53:47
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge bluescyphozoa i think it is as simple as adding (page-property ?p :week 22) into your where clauses 01:39:24
@_discord_715693042048434217:t2bot.ioscrivener7771371 joined the room.19:39:22
@_discord_715693042048434217:t2bot.ioscrivener7771371 sort 19:39:23
@_discord_715693042048434217:t2bot.ioscrivener7771371 changed their profile picture.19:39:23
@_discord_106036643932155904:t2bot.iorektide joined the room.21:06:44
3 Jun 2024
@_discord_1246059152514482237:t2bot.iovisuddha33 set a profile picture.02:01:22
@_discord_1247020234284470383:t2bot.ionika_02979 joined the room.03:07:33
@_discord_752414058476732461:t2bot.io.stvnsmth Hey all, quick question around advanced queries, I've been running this simple query to find all journal entries from the past 60 days ( {{query (and [[Journal/Years/2024]](between -60d today)))}} ) but I'm trying to convert this to an advanced query so I can include it in config.edn — this was my first attempt:
:title "Journal Entries from Last 60 Days"
:query [
:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start_date ?end_date
[?b :block/refs ?page_ref]
[?page_ref :block/name "Journal/Years/2024"]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[?p :page/journal? true]
[?p :page/journal-day ?d]
[(>= ?d ?start_date)]
[(<= ?d ?end_date)]
:inputs [
[:60d-ago] ; ?start_date
[:today] ; ?end_date
:result-transform (fn [result] (map (fn [r] {:block (first r)}) result))
:breadcrumb-show? false
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge .stvnsmth whats up with the [[Journal//Years//2024]]? 08:35:17
  :title "Journal Entries from Last 60 Days"
  :query [
    :find (pull ?b [*])
    :in $ ?start ?today
     (between ?b ?start ?today)
  :inputs [:-60d :today]
  :result-transform (fn [result] (map (fn [r] {:block (first r)}) result))
  :breadcrumb-show? false
depending on what you are after, here's a basic version with your current transform
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge *
  :title "Journal Entries from Last 60 Days"
  :query [
    :find (pull ?b [*])
    :in $ ?start ?today
     (between ?b ?start ?today)
  :inputs [:-60d :today]
  :result-transform (fn [result] (map (fn [r] {:block (first r)}) result))
  :breadcrumb-show? false
depending on what you are after, here's a basic version with your current transform
@_discord_695848351702188033:t2bot.ioautokludge *
  :title "Journal Entries from Last 60 Days"
  :query [
    :find (pull ?b [*])
    :in $ ?start ?today
     (between ?b ?start ?today)
  :inputs [:-60d :today]
  :result-transform (fn [result] (map (fn [r] {:block (first r)}) result))
  :breadcrumb-show? false
depending on what you are after, here's a basic version with your current transform
@_discord_1072681477856313407:t2bot.io.paul1st joined the room.08:51:55
@_discord_1072681477856313407:t2bot.io.paul1st changed their profile picture.08:51:59
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