
vvvv.js dev support

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16 Nov 2018
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisit is absolutely needed to use powers of 2 huh ?18:38:02
18 Nov 2018
@junki:matrix.orgjunki joined the room.01:07:53
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeFor framebuffer texture currently yes!12:52:15
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeWebgl restriction, is abit annoying12:53:01
19 Nov 2018
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisok thx I found it ! :)10:15:45
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunanane c nisidis: good morning 10:40:50
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeyou need to make a maintainance pull10:41:00
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananejust make git pull origin master10:41:10
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisoh ! ok thx, goodmorning !11:48:19
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisok i am up to date11:49:15
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisgit status11:49:32
20 Nov 2018
@junki:matrix.orgjunkiExcuse me...I have a basic question. I would like to receive data interactively from RadioButton / Checkbox / TextInput / TextArea, which node should I use?04:35:03
In reply to @junki:matrix.org
Excuse me...I have a basic question. I would like to receive data interactively from RadioButton / Checkbox / TextInput / TextArea, which node should I use?
Using GetValue - Asvalue node, data could be acquired.
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeHi and welcome :) @junki:matrix.org questions always welcome08:46:04
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeAre you working with my repository or zauners?08:48:01
@junki:matrix.orgjunkiThanks!! I download youre repository (teckor/vvvvjs) and try using it in the local environment.10:02:54
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeAh cool so you found all the new stuff, cool10:07:44
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisCheckbox , RadioButton etc are there as single nodes (HTML) for most of them you should refresh your page after introduce them and SAVING your patch :D For Select<option> you need to Combine a Select Box and a Select Option node with there proper spreads<string> name & value !12:01:58
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidis @000.graphics:matrix.org: 12:02:26
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidis @000.graphics:matrix.org: I keep getting a 'vbo' (udefined property error) from WEBGL , any idea what might be wrong ? 12:03:09
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisTypeError: Cannot read property 'vbo' of undefined at VVVV.Nodes.RendererWebGL.evaluate (vvvv.nodes.webgl.js:3118) at Patch.eval [as compiledFunc] (eval at Patch.compile (vvvv.core.patch.js:974), <anonymous>:104:84) at Patch.evaluate (vvvv.core.patch.js:993) at update (vvvv.mainloop.js:63)12:03:44
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeyou mean on instacing?12:18:13
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisI dont know ehere it comes from12:18:32
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisI am using a simple spread of spreads with a constant shader and a box12:18:48
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeoh ok12:19:22
In reply to @nissidis:matrix.org
Checkbox , RadioButton etc are there as single nodes (HTML) for most of them you should refresh your page after introduce them and SAVING your patch :D For Select you need to Combine a Select Box and a Select Option node with there proper spreads name & value !
Thanks!! I'll try!
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeit must have to do something with the box12:20:38
@000.graphics:matrix.org@lunananeit seems that the vertexbuffer is not attached to the mesh object12:21:03
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisaah12:21:15

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