
Electronics For All (EFA)

326 Members
About EFA Community: For People around the world, who are interested in Embedded SW/HW, Electronics, Industrial Automation, Robotics, OSH, OSS, Beacons, 3D Fab,Professional N/W'ing, knowledge sharing & discussions on these technologies & engineering.35 Servers

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14 Nov 2023
@vancha112:matrix.org@vancha112:matrix.org changed their profile picture.21:00:19
17 Nov 2023
@ilya-epifanov:matrix.org@ilya-epifanov:matrix.org left the room.23:12:36
20 Nov 2023
@chargeitall:matrix.orgchargeitall joined the room.17:01:53
@chargeitall:matrix.orgchargeitallCan semiconductors from household appliances such as breast pumps, fridges, and washing machines be used for military purposes? Is this claim far-fetched?17:14:29
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyI don't think most breast pumps would have semiconductors. I don't know too many refrigerators that would need semiconductors either. As for washing machines, maybe.17:22:30
@protocall7:matrix.orgprotocall7Guess it would depend on the semiconductor and the military purpose. Something generic like a logic gate could show up in just about anything. A microcontroller could be programmed to do anything as well. As far as whether or not consumer appliances would use "military spec" parts as far as temperature range, shock and vibration, etc... not sure, maybe?17:46:12
@chargeitall:matrix.orgchargeitallI was referring to removing chips from household devices, reprogramming them with new software, and using them for military purposes such as avionics, GPS, etc.20:12:53
21 Nov 2023
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyUnless the items have like FPGAs in them, the "reprogramming" part doesn't sound likely.00:12:21
26 Nov 2023
@berlinuxer:kde.orgberlinuxer military specs expexts more robustness, of course. e.g. the temperature-range is wider than for industrial- or consumer-usage. i really doubt, that you will find a IC with mil-spec in household-devices 13:51:00
1 Dec 2023
@waitforthe:matrix.orgwaitforthe joined the room.18:36:39
Download circuitmotor.jpg
@waitforthe:matrix.orgwaitforthehi i got a question. here is a picture of my circuit, why is the motor still spining despite not triggered by the pir sensor output (3.3v). transistor is 2n2222. 3v motor 1.5A max draw. 12v power supply. 20:44:42
@waitforthe:matrix.orgwaitforthethe pir sensor actually ampliflies the rpms of the motor but the motor still contains a baseline rpm. i thought it should be zero power unless triggered by the transistor20:47:01
@waitforthe:matrix.orgwaitfortheif i remove the motor, it works fine with the led albeit larger resistor20:47:42
3 Dec 2023
@beect:matrix.orgbeect joined the room.03:35:26
6 Dec 2023
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their display name from psydroid to Tyrannosaurus Rex.17:21:47
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their display name from Tyrannosaurus Rex to psydroid.17:42:38
8 Dec 2023
@archer72:matrix.orgarcher72 (KD9VMW) joined the room.16:09:51
12 Dec 2023
@m:matrix.mahfoudh.orgDr. Dude joined the room.10:46:57
27 Dec 2023
@mriconoclast:matrix.org@mriconoclast:matrix.org changed their profile picture.11:09:53
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their display name from purplelady to PurpleLady (cisgender, she/her).17:30:53
29 Dec 2023
In reply to @waitforthe:matrix.org
sent an image.
no one will answer
@mriconoclast:matrix.org@mriconoclast:matrix.orgyou are losing time here 16:13:28
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyWe are still here. But yeah, there are not mods/admins.16:51:23
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyI might want to start and alternative.16:51:36
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady removed their profile picture.23:34:58
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady set a profile picture.23:43:19
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their profile picture.23:44:10
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their profile picture.23:44:37
5 Jan 2024
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their display name from PurpleLady (cisgender, she/her) to PurpleLady (non-trans, she/her).02:17:32

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