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OP text: >Base Game: https://play.aidungeon.io/ >Clover,Thadunge,Lucidteller Current: https://colab.research.google.com/github/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/blob/master/Open_CYOAI.ipynb >Beta Branch: https://colab.research.google.com/github/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/blob/beta/Open_CYOAI_BETA.ipynb >Suffering Disconnects? Try this branch: https://colab.research.google.com/github/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/blob/master/Old_Open_CYOAI.ipynb >Wiki with more information. CHECK THIS BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS! https://github.com/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/wiki >Custom prompts to help you get the ball rolling: https://github.com/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/wiki/Custom-Promts Reply to this post with any prompts you want added (including tags and name of prompt helps), but please ctrl+f the "Custom Promts" related page before asking to add one that already exists. If your prompt was already added and you think you can improve it further, post the link to the old prompt (you can grab it by right clicking to the left of its tags), and then the new version of it (if the changes are worth it, it will be changed). Also, if you are going to drawfag a posted story, please go here, and follow the steps so that it’s added: >https://github.com/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/wiki/Drawfag-OC 5 Servers

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15 Feb 2020
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comfor collab.research16:07:36
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgyes, so you're talking about collab You have two alternatives16:08:02
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgrunning locally16:08:04
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgor paying for this type of service16:08:17
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.org(using something like AWS, or getting a cloud streaming service like SHADOW, to run aid2 locally on it) 16:08:38
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgthird most realistic option is getting a burner google account16:09:00
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comrunning locally?16:09:37
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgif you have 16gb of ram and 12gb of VRAM you can play AID2 directly on your hardware16:10:04
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.com16 gigs?16:10:35
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comwtf its just text16:10:41
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.org * https://github.com/VBPXKSMI/Open-CYOAI-Project/wiki/How-To-Install-AI-Dungeon-2-Locally-On-Windows-(Manual-and-Automatic-installations)16:10:47
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgit's a neural network used to understand languages16:11:04
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgused for a text game16:11:10
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.org(and the most advanced of its kind that's released to the public)16:11:25
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comburner it is then16:11:34
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.organd 16 gigs of ram isn't the biggest thing it demands16:11:43
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comdoes it even work? do goog' burners mitigate the privacy issues?16:11:50
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.org12gb of VRAm is a 2070super i'm pretty sure16:11:54
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgwell I mean goolag will always find a way to spy on you16:12:23
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgbut activating a google account with a burner sim is definitely better than making a google account with all your shit, your real name and your real phone number16:12:48
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comwym by burner sim? as in a burner phone?16:13:21
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgcause making a google account requires a phone number16:13:38
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgif you want to go full schizo tinfoil hat mode you'll need a burner phone with prepaid sim16:13:49
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comfuck me.16:14:01
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comso yeah theres my situation16:14:53
@gamerphil:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comgamerphil - #mcg:matrix.comi tried just boosting clover but after i got python it wanted torch and it fell apart from there16:15:21
@frowo:matrix.org@frowo:matrix.orgno experience with clover edition16:15:47

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