
Antifa Triggering discussion

358 Members
A place for discussion that may trigger other members.4 Servers

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20 Oct 2023
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from D-Astolfo to Butler.21:38:33
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Butler to dyno.21:48:02
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from dyno to D-Astolfo.22:05:58
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from D-Astolfo to Dyno#3861.22:29:57
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to Mee7.23:07:51
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Mee7 to <@353335055621554176> Dyno.23:22:46
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from <@353335055621554176> Dyno to Animunculus.23:30:30
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Animunculus to <@353335055621554176> Dyno.23:36:55
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from <@353335055621554176> Dyno to 4551.00:30:05
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from 4551 to Automoderator.00:43:41
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Automoderator to tiagarvai.01:19:41
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from tiagarvai to D-Astolfo.01:38:15
@_discord_479087250668519439:t2bot.ioAuntie Aeon changed their display name from auntiebilbo#0 to Auntie Aeon.01:45:19
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from D-Astolfo to tiagarvai.01:51:16
@_discord_784275640664064020:t2bot.iobaby.flower#0 changed their display name from baby.flower to baby.flower#0.02:00:43
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from tiagarvai to Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama.02:05:08
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Sheikh Dyno Bin Osama to eCash Dyno.02:22:30
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from eCash Dyno to Animunculus.02:57:05
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Animunculus to Prehistoric Fellow.03:12:42
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Prehistoric Fellow to D-Astolfo.03:47:47
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from D-Astolfo to Dyno#3861.04:07:56
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to dyno.04:38:15
@_discord_498984473539379232:t2bot.iofatigue tak changed their display name from candy flipper 😍 to fatigue tak.04:52:12
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from dyno to Animunculus.05:07:05
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Animunculus to Dyno#3861.05:26:03
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Dyno#3861 to dyno.05:52:08
@_discord_570654318110441494:t2bot.iosnekborg#0 changed their display name from 🦾Snekborg🐍 to snekborg#0.05:52:48
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from dyno to Dynosore.06:05:39
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from Dynosore to dyno.06:12:31
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioYoDa changed their display name from dyno to Dyno#3861.06:29:05

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