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10 Jun 2021
@speed:matrix.orgBlaž k8: the suggestion list is more like a room directory 05:52:26
@csrpi:matrix.orgcsrpi joined the room.22:30:42
11 Jun 2021
@kyzaodro:privacytools.iokyzaodro left the room.05:38:01
@beemo:matrix.orgbeemo joined the room.16:17:44
12 Jun 2021
@vaporcupine:matrix.orgvaporcupine joined the room.19:38:20
14 Jun 2021
@aperos:matrix.orgaperos joined the room.03:26:48
@aperos:matrix.orgaperos left the room.03:28:08
15 Jun 2021
@mfossen:matrix.orgmfossen joined the room.05:26:03
@buddyboy:matrix.orgbuddyboy joined the room.08:26:54
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfire joined the room.16:00:06
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawi joined the room.16:01:51
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfire kirawi I think we have some cultural differences there. 16:02:13
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireBy tuition fees you mean the one that everyone has to pay?16:02:23
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiI think so?16:02:45
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireAnd sacrifice kidney for us means bad kidney due to sleeping over 11pm, 11pm-1am is said to be kidney time.16:03:03
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiIt can be extremely expensive depending on which school you go to, usually in the tens of thousands.16:03:09
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireI thought public schools should be cheap?16:03:21
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiPublic colleges are, and there are programs that make it cheaper.16:03:32
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireWe have tuition fees, but tuition for us is out of schools.16:03:36
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawi * Public colleges are, and there are programs that make it cheaper. And private colleges also have financial aid etc.16:03:45
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireWait, I am confused now. High school you mean middle school right?16:03:48
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiHigh school is 9-12 grade16:04:00
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireCollege is like the one that you join when you are 1816:04:02
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiYeah, I think the concept of college and university is different to other countries too?16:04:20
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireFor us here, primary school (1-6), secondary school (7-11 or 7-12 but we call it 1-5 or 1-6), and college or university after that16:05:25
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireThe 7-11 and 7-12 is due to some special type of school like private chinese high school requires 6 years of study.16:06:14
@masonmac:matrix.orgkirawiThat's pretty interesting. Honestly, one thing I'm sad about is that I don't get to wear cool blazer uniforms or anything like that because most schools in America don't have uniforms.16:06:40
@pickfire:matrix.orgpickfireNot very expensive but still a lot more expensive compared to us, roughly $250 a month.16:06:43

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