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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement7 Servers

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21 May 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8_hc and all, new talk from Chirayu @ Calyx on Fdroid and Clean Insights https://hasgeek.com/rootconf/data-privacy-conference/sub/integrating-privacy-preserving-analytics-into-your-CzbTjeZ8W3DqUawanVx8YZ12:55:48
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lWHVhK2CzLnAiv_271sKYX7OLTNXJCuAKKeXIVgQS74/edit#slide=id.p12:56:46
25 May 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8My talk from the Berkman-Klein Assembly event is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ_E-F7TbA0 the whole event and all the projects are interesting, but the Clean Insights portion starts at 16:30 https://youtu.be/EQ_E-F7TbA0?t=99115:02:19
28 May 2021
@irl:irl.xyzirlScreenshot 2021-05-28 at 09.03.59.png
Download Screenshot 2021-05-28 at 09.03.59.png
@irl:irl.xyzirl don't know if anyone else read "no needles, only haystack" on n8fr8's slides and thought of this 08:06:47
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Oh where is that from?11:12:32
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8ah ha! so you made our own meme of it. nayc.19:18:04
11 Jun 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 looking forward to the rightscon session today gina_h crwinfrey threeletteracronym 12:55:39
25 Jun 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8I'll be giving a talk on Clean Insights on Friday morning at 9am Eastern at the esLibre conference02:05:13
28 Jun 2021
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hRedacted or Malformed Event17:50:10
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_h n8fr8: did you happen to talk with OONI about whether they'd be interested in implementing Clean Insights? 17:50:44
In reply to @gina_h:matrix.org
n8fr8: did you happen to talk with OONI about whether they'd be interested in implementing Clean Insights?
not seriously yet. definitely time to follow up.
6 Jul 2021
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelAnyone here been following the waves the new owners of the Audacity (FOSS audio editor) have been making after their acquisition?12:52:24
@eighthave:matrix.org_hca little bit12:52:55
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcafter a quick read, sounds like they weren't really trying to track users so much as get usage data, but they handled it badly12:53:03
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelyea.. that was a few weeks ago they tried to add google analytics 12:53:22
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelthen they added a CLA12:53:25
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsounds typical, I guess someone can always pull a nextcloud and fork12:54:05
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelbut as of last week/this week they're adding more metrics and changed the privacy policy causing huge uproar12:54:13
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbeli'm trying to find a neutral / good source to link12:54:37
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbel * i'm trying to find a neutral / good / reliable source to link12:54:45
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelperhaps not neutral, but here's the article with most info: https://danlebrero.com/2021/06/30/cto-dairy-lucky-lotto-chaos-engineering-for-teams/12:56:33
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbel * perhaps not neutral, but here's the article with most info: https://fosspost.org/audacity-is-now-a-spyware/12:56:44
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbel * not neutral, but here's the article with most info: https://fosspost.org/audacity-is-now-a-spyware/12:57:36
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcyeah, it would be good to have info to make a "how not to role out ethical usage tracking" example case12:57:53
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelin truth, and sadly, it's all bog standard boilerplate stuff they're trying to roll out12:58:07
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthough sounds like they've moved more to standard user tracking12:58:10
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymI don't get what's going on in their head. It feels like there's some business folks without a clue about OSS trying to make some quick $$$. They completely underestimated what an turmoil they would cause! Or they wanted exactly that and it's all a grand marketing scheme?14:02:59

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