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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement6 Servers

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11 Aug 2021
@eighthave:matrix.org_hclooks like they are still gathering sensitive data on the server, and doing post processing there, so not as privacy-preserving as Clean Insights09:32:13
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcPrio seems to be something like Differential Privacy, where they still want to gather data about individuals, but want to protect it more.09:34:25
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)I've submitted a session for MatomoCamp: https://schedule.matomocamp.org/matomocamp-2021/talk/review/E3JP7AQS3YU3A9TXV7Z9DZDLRL8Q9AG315:52:00
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)at some point, there may be voting, not sure15:52:13
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)but I think we have a good chance, based on interest from the Matomo team15:52:27
18 Aug 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)PXL_20210818_123412493.jpg
Download PXL_20210818_123412493.jpg
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)PXL_20210816_215047700.jpg
Download PXL_20210816_215047700.jpg
@fabby:matrix.orgF@bby .. She / Her ..The package is really beautiful12:59:38
13 Sep 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Just came across https://www.poeticmetric.com/ Privacy-focused and versatile analytics tool PoeticMetric is a multipurpose, privacy-focused, and real-time analytics service. Base your business decisions upon reliable, meaningful data without invading your users’ privacy.13:03:03
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymDone by 2 Turkish folks. Nothing there. Another project of them was yet-another-website-monitoring-service: https://www.webgazer.io13:18:13
22 Sep 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)
  • Your session “Implementing Advanced Privacy-Preserving Analytics on Mobile, Desktop and Servers” will take place at 2021-11-05 10:00 in Workshop Room.
  • Your session “Using Cleaninsights for Privacy-Preserving Analytics based on Matomo” has been moved to 2021-11-04 13:00 in Livestream Room 1.
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)https://matomocamp.org/15:24:47
23 Sep 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he) invited @queentakesjackfox:matrix.orgqueentakesjackfox (they/them).16:24:56
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Website has been updated with a few tweaks, and new content: https://cleaninsights.org/ 16:25:12
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)in particular, https://cleaninsights.org/getstarted and https://cleaninsights.org/beans16:25:21
@queentakesjackfox:matrix.orgqueentakesjackfox (they/them) joined the room.16:43:46
24 Sep 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Screenshot_20210924-115439.png
Download Screenshot_20210924-115439.png
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)WeClock integration coming along as part of current dev cycle funded by labor union partnership17:47:03
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hFolks, what is the current average # of monthly webpage views for Cleaninsights.org?19:37:30
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Well, that is a good question. Let me dig.19:38:42
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)well, we had 346 unique visitors last month19:44:27
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)I just realized we didn't have metrics.cleaninsights.org plugged into our website :(19:46:46
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)now it is19:46:48
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)2.05K page views, so 19:48:15
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Matomo camp: https://schedule.matomocamp.org/matomocamp-2021/talk/M9XPRG/ 19:49:02
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)session is up. i think that drove some traffic perhaps.19:49:14
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)UK, US, Germany and Mexico are our top visitors. 19:50:07
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)Again, this is the unavoidable data from Cloudfront. We may want to consider a solution that doesn't require their fronting.19:50:49
@gina_h:matrix.orggina_hwhat kind of percent increase would you ideally like to see if we got SUSTAIN funding and had that marketing campaign be successfull?19:51:27

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