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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement7 Servers

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4 Nov 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8that was the livestream room for speakers. they have it streaming to the website at live.matomocamp.org12:49:53
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8and then some matrix chatrooms12:50:03
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8one for each talk12:50:07
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymAh, and a Matrix instance.12:50:18
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymNot federated, it seems.12:50:25
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8they really went all out with self hosting of everything. impressive!12:50:30
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelyea i have to say that was pretty cool.. one page with the chat and the live stream video12:50:59
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8more great talks up next12:51:11
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelonly wish that they had enabled guest access for the chat12:51:19
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbel(nice use case for weblite btw)12:51:28
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8i think they did12:51:29
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8yeah i told them about weblite... next time. 12:51:39
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbelas a guest i could see the chat, but couldnt participate12:51:45
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbel(it was read-only)12:52:01
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Ah right.12:53:28
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Oh, I think you can embed weblite in an iframe even....12:53:42
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8i should prototype that12:53:56
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 invited @r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd.12:54:56
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8Matomo + Metabase for improved visualizations: https://schedule.matomocamp.org/matomocamp-2021/talk/N3U3BT/12:55:44
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8could be a way to have more custom rendering of clean insights measurements12:55:57
@abel:neo.keanu.imAbeloh yea metabase is a great tool12:56:40
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8500+ apps have Matomo Android SDK: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/trackers/138/ 13:11:40
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8 _hc: is the full list possible to see on the exodus site or other data set? 13:12:09
@n8fr8:matrix.orgn8fr8it might be interesting to reach out to all of these app devs13:12:18
@lukas:lw1.atLukas joined the room.13:28:47
In reply to @threeletteracronym:matrix.org
Not federated, it seems.
Just FYI, the server should be federated. So #cleaninsights-talk:matomocamp.org should be the room for the talk for example.
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Just FYI, the server should be federated. So #cleaninsights-talk:matomocamp.org should be the room for the talk for example.
Ah, hey, nice, thank you very much! Strange, that I couldn't find it when I tried to search it.
@lukas:lw1.atLukas In theory it should even work to join the #matomocamp:matomocamp.org space 13:32:17

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