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Discussion about cleaninsights.org and privacy preserving measurement6 Servers

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22 Nov 2021
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)hmmm14:05:15
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymSeems the complete cleaninsights.org host is down.14:05:17
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymIsn't that a GitLab server?14:05:28
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)is gitlab.com down?14:05:32
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)i can't reach it14:05:34
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymSame here.14:05:55
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gitlab agrees14:06:10
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)happy monday!14:06:14
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymDid their whole infrastructure just leave the internets? Uuupsi.14:06:32
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymPieces seem to come back slowly right now.14:09:11
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)perhaps time to move our static web hosting to the dweb aka web3 aka cryptoverse14:10:24
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)eth names, handshake DNS... time to embrace the FUTURE!14:10:42
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he):)14:10:44
@lukas:lw1.atLukasOh, I didn't mean the 502, but now I also get it14:10:49
In reply to @n8fr8:matrix.org
perhaps time to move our static web hosting to the dweb aka web3 aka cryptoverse
Sure, but don't forget the NFTs!
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronym Lukas: Here you can find the schema: https://gitlab.com/cleaninsights/clean-insights-design/-/blob/master/schema-docs/README.md 14:11:31
@lukas:lw1.atLukasI think it was linked at https://gitlab.com/cleaninsights/clean-insights-design/-/blob/master/schema-docs/cimp.md, but that also doesn't load for me anymore14:11:33
@n8fr8:matrix.orgNathan GP (he)cloudflare should cache the site more transparnetly when the backend is down. maybe i need to activate that setting?14:12:07
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymDo you get better stability if you put one giant ISP behind another giant ISP or less? 🤔14:13:07
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Am I missing something or should https://cleaninsights.org/schemas/cimp.schema.json not return a 404?
Okay, it seems back up for me.
But the 404 is independent of that
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Okay, it seems back up for me.
But the 404 is independent of that
Ok, so why are you expecting something there?
@lukas:lw1.atLukas Okay, I have to say I'm really not familiar with JSON schema, but I always assumed the canonical URL would also serve the schema JSON (like http://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/schema) 14:17:39
@r3ckd:matrix.orgr3ckd threeletteracronym: excellent research presentation at IETF this month on the fragility the bigger services who are tied to lynch-pin services underneath them 14:18:20
In reply to @lukas:lw1.at
Okay, I have to say I'm really not familiar with JSON schema, but I always assumed the canonical URL would also serve the schema JSON (like http://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/schema)
IDK. I just used it to have a source-of-truth of how the configuration should be like. You can just throw it in any validator to check yours. Why does one need it at a specific ("well-known"?) URL? Can you point me to anything which describes what I need/should do?
@lukas:lw1.atLukasIndeed it seems like it is more responsible for being a base URL for relative URLs and nothing really needs to be at that URL: https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/structuring.html#base-uri14:20:54
@lukas:lw1.atLukasIn that case, I think you are right and nothing needs to be changed.14:22:46
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymAh, now I get it. I used that as the ID. Well, back when I developed it, there was not cleaninsights.org website in its current form. But now there is, so you're right insofar, as it probably would be nice, if the schema files could actually be found at their ID address. I'll look into that.14:25:48
In reply to @threeletteracronym:matrix.org
Ah, now I get it. I used that as the ID. Well, back when I developed it, there was not cleaninsights.org website in its current form. But now there is, so you're right insofar, as it probably would be nice, if the schema files could actually be found at their ID address. I'll look into that.
In reply to @r3ckd:matrix.org
threeletteracronym: excellent research presentation at IETF this month on the fragility the bigger services who are tied to lynch-pin services underneath them
So? Do you want to point me to it? Or give a summary of the gist?
23 Nov 2021
@threeletteracronym:matrix.orgthreeletteracronymGoing on right now: https://www.breadandnet.org/en/conference-schedule/#11:08:02

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